Firefly By Iris Janet

Missing Steps In The Law of Attraction (Universal Powers) with Roxanne Chaput

Episode Summary

Today, we're joined by a special guest, Roxanne Chaput, who will help us understand the Law of Attraction and what we may be missing about this incredible law of the Universe that can helps us manifest anything we want.

Episode Notes





Roxanne is the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Roxanne Chaput Limited, she is a Life+Love Coach, an Inspirational Speaker, Spiritual Guide and Energy Healer, she guide’s individuals in transition to create lasting sustainable change in their lives. 


Her purpose is to provide a safe and powerful place for her clients to discover the answers they need to move forward spiritually, energetically, personally with absolute purpose and clarity. Her guiding belief is in the power of self-awareness as this is the fuel for personal growth and Soul-Mastery, which allows her clients to make positive changes, find their happiness and create a Soul(filled) life at a “Soullular” level. With proven tools and techniques, her clients are able to discover their Highest Selves, their truest desires and manifest the life of their dreams. 


In essence, her mission is to Guide, Heal, Love, Awaken, Inspire, Ignite Energetic Passion and Empower amazingness within one’s own self by guiding her clients to Free their Soul as they embrace and connect to their intuitive knowingness while embodying inner-peace and inner-love.








“Emit your light and attract your desire”