Subchorionic Hemorrhage: What We Missed In Our Last Episode on Exercise, Management, and Birth Outcomes

Show Notes:

[3:26] Our Reviewer of the Week, MaggieMc1217, says "So much great info, I truly can't stop listening! I was quite nervous about birth before but honestly cannot wait. Thank you for all of the great content and your advocacy for a natural birth!"

If you are listening and you have any kind of fear regarding birth, if you're uncertain about anything, if you have questions about things and you don't know where to start, you're in the right place. Stick with me. I take you step by step, making pregnancy and birth topics totally a breeze so that you completely understand what is coming up for you during your pregnancy, what your options are, and how to speak to your provider about it. 💜

[4:52] This episode is a product of questions we've gotten as a follow up to Part 1 on the topic of subchorionic hemorrhage. We love getting feedback from our listeners and want you to be as informed as possible when it comes to birth, pregnancy, and labor!

[6:32] What is a Subchorionic Hemorrhage? It can also be called a subchorionic hematoma or a subchorionic bleed, but it comes from where the placenta detaches from the original implantation site during pregnancy and blood can collect there. The blood collects between the outer layer of your bag of waters, which is called the chorion layer. The blood sits between your uterus and that outer layer of your bag of waters. Now, it is important to know that it may or may not cause a problem, it could be absolutely nothing, and many of them resolve themselves as time goes on.

[8:46] In our last episode, we went over, all the symptoms that you need to know about and any causes and risk factors that are associated with it. We talked about when you're going to call your provider, how it's going to affect your baby and your pregnancy, what you can do once you have it, we talked about if it makes the pregnancy high risk, and how it affects your birth plan.

[9:16] Can you prevent it, slow it down, or help it heal? Unfortunately, no, there's not much that you can do. It's really about listening to your body and working with your provider and trusting the process, which I know when things that are out of our hands and it's a little out of control like that is not very comfortable, but that unfortunately is kind of where you're at with this. When it comes to resolving it faster, your provider might recommend something like pelvic rest. Try not to stress too much. Listen to that good provider that you have vetted and you are on the same page with that you trust. 

[11:41] Can I still exercise? You need to go back to that provider and make sure that you're following their recommendations. Again, depending on how big it is, where it's located, what effects you're having, that's all going to play a part. As far as our three exercises go, these are some pelvic tilts, a squat, and a forward leaning inversion. Make sure you bring that up with your provider. It will have to do with your specific situation.

[13:10] Will it go away? Know that most actually do resolve on their own by about 20 weeks. An ultrasound will determine if it has resolved itself or not.

[13:46] Does it affect baby's position? No, it shouldn't. Unless you have a massive hematoma and that's something you'd definitely work with a provider about, but no, where it's at and, and what it's doing should not affect what your baby is doing in the way of their position at all. This doesn't have to be some crazy, terrible thing, it's just a variation of normal during pregnancy.

[15:09] "My doctor is recommending a C-section if I still have the hematoma. What should I do?" If this is what you are hearing, reach out to another provider. Get a second and third opinion, meet with providers at different hospitals in different settings, and ask lots of questions. Because this is not necessarily evidence based. In fact, research shows that a subchorionic hemorrhage that's diagnosed in early pregnancy does not influence the need for a Cesarean at all. 

 [17:49] As a reminder, I can't answer your specific situation, but it's definitely worth the conversation with your provider to ask those questions, get the research, and then make a decision from there.

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