Episode 11

E11 Connecting with Purpose: How to Consciously Align with Your Ideal Future Audience

  1. “I always wanted to be somebody, but now I realize I should have been more specific.” Lily Tomlin
  2. Become a person worth watching by choosing your primary audience NOW because if you try to speak to everyone you will actually connect with noone.
  3. You can have a secondary (or more) audience (later). Right now it’s important to choose ONE primary audience and get to know and understand their struggles and aspirations along with the language they use to describe them. Your audience will most likely connect with your heart more than your visual appearance. 
  4. Look at who you put in your “free, but can pay” bucket in E10 and allow them to introduce themselves to you. What are they like? Write down everything you believe this person would tell you if you met them in real life. 
  5. [TAKE ACTION] Create a short 3-minute video tha,t speaks to one problem your primary future audience struggles with and add your unique perspective and solution. Share the video on social media and notice who responds and engages. 

Remember, if you want direct, live support from us for your TV Talk Show, then contact us today at TVTalkShowFormula.info.

Each week we will walk through an easy-to-follow, proven, plug-and-play way to get YOUR podcast done, 13 minutes at a time, in just 13 weeks.

So follow the formula each week. And welcome to the show.


Declan Oceguera

International TV Producer & Talk Show Host, Visionary Media Institute Founder 

Declan Oceguera is a video and TV Talk Show Host whose TV Talk Show Formula has impacted over 100,000 lives globally and gives business owners and entrepreneurs a simple way to make a positive impact while sharing their vision and services with an aligned audience. Via his flagship training program, The Authority & Visibility Accelerator, Declan shows visionary authors, coaches and course creators how to transform their life experiences into attention-getting videos that magnetize their ideal customers. Declan’s life mission is to elevate consciousness in the world and that’s why he teaches heart-centered experts how to broadcast their brilliance by hosting their own TV show. If you’d like to learn more about the TV Talk Show Formula, contact Declan today for an exploration call. 

Donna Kunde

Global Radio Authority & Podcast Expert, IBGR Co-Founder

Donna Kunde is a podcast host & radio personality who has produced almost 14,000 podcasts, while elevating businesses, with more than 300,000 downloads (to date). So with her own international business radio station (and network), Donna is amplifying more than 70 experts (in 14 countries), reaching listeners in more than 180 countries, and delivering worldwide transformation, every single day. Donna is all about taking proven wisdom and applying it, 13 minutes at a time. Then turning that into a podcast AND book, in just 20 weeks. (It’s called the Influencers Formula.) If you’d like to learn more about the Influencers Formula for your business, contact Donna today.


Donna Kunde



You're listening to Business Podcasting Made Easy, the TV Talk Show Formula, where you get a roadmap to elevate your authority and expand your visibility for the TV talk show that you're proud of. And you're listening on the IBGR radio network. This is episode eleven. Today we're talking about consciously choose your future audience based on your purpose and your past. Welcome to the show. I'm Donna Kunde, co founder of the IBGR Network global Radio Authority, and podcast expert and producer of over 14,000 podcasts.

Declan Oceguera



And I'm Declan Oceguera, a TV producer and international TV talk show host. And my TV Talk Show Formula has impacted over 100,000 lives globally and gives business owners and entrepreneurs a simple way to be seen and heard with their own purpose driven message. And we are your hosts for this 13 week journey. And if you want to easily follow the plan, go to Tvtalkshowformula.com. And if you want direct live support from us for your TV talk show, then contact us today at tvtalkshowformula.info.

Donna Kunde



Indeed. So we're getting specific now. Not vaguely specific anymore, not wish list specific. And to introduce this episode I have to read it.

Declan Oceguera



I have to read it. Yes, go to finish. What Donna was going to say is to finish this week's introduction, which, you know, we love to do, quotes I had to cut I cut her off. I'm so sorry.

Donna Kunde



No, it's okay. I don't mind.

Declan Oceguera



It's just that this quote is so simple but so powerful for me personally in my transformation process through my life. And it's from Lily Tomlin, and she says, I always wanted to be somebody, but now I realize I should have been more specific.

Donna Kunde



And so why is this one so important to you?

Declan Oceguera



Because as we've been speaking about being less vague and more specific, right? In the metaphysical world, we talk about thoughts, become things, right? Our intentions, what we think about, what we say manifests. And if we're talking about your ideal audience, then this is why it's so important to be specific and not vague. Because if you're not clear about who you want and who you're here to serve, then you will get a bunch of we're not sures. But when you become that clear and you say, these are the people, these are the somebody's that I'm here to serve, that is who will start to show up for you. And so it's true for your personal life about anything you're working on. It's true for your show, for your TV talk show. It's true for a podcast, it's true for a book. It's true for everything that you do. The more specific you can be about what you want, who it's for, the more that is what shows up for you. So that's why I love this one so much.

Donna Kunde



Yeah, that's beautiful. And I think it's important in becoming a person worth watching to choose your primary audience now, because if you try to speak to everyone, you actually connect with no one. And we said this over and over and over again. But I want to throw in an example here of how I work with our hosts, because we do seasons. Every quarter is a season with our podcast, 13 weeks, 52 episodes. I have several of them, but I'll give you a specific example with Jeremy, who does practical solutions to difficult problems. And he's got another podcast called The Geriatric Entrepreneur and they weave together pretty well. And then I said, Jeremy, for the Geriatric entrepreneur, who is your ideal listener? And he said startups. And not just startups, but second act startups. So maybe a corporate executive who now wants to get into the consulting space or a retiree who wants to start a business, that's who he wants to work with. And I said, that's fantastic. And he did a couple of seasons of that for Startups. And then it dawned on me. I said, well, really, The Geriatric Entrepreneur can take you through all three stages of business growth. You could be talking to middle stage business owners who want to get to retirement. You can talk to the business owner who's been doing it for 30, 40 years and wants to retire, wants to have the rest of their life instead of just dying with their business. And so really, the Jerry Entrepreneur can speak to more different people, but each season has to be one specific message. Does that make sense?

Declan Oceguera



Yes. I think that was really good advice that you gave Mr. Jeremy. Technically, they're different target audiences, right? They're at these different stages and so it allows him, with his expertise, to reach a variety of target audiences, which I know we're going to talk about here at some point as well. And we're talking about it now because you can have a secondary I knew it was in here somewhere, a secondary audience you can have, like the example that Donna just gave, that was three different target audiences. However, what's important is you have to start with the one, right? So he did a couple of seasons with a very specific focus and then he was able to broaden it. But if he tried to reach all three types of people in that one season, it would have really been all over the place and people would not pay attention because it's like, who is this for? I'm not at that stage yet. Wait, what? I'm not ready to retire. I'm just starting up. Right. It's confusing. That's why it's important to choose the one primary audience, get to know and understand their specific struggles, their aspirations. And this is going to give you the language that you need to be able to speak to them and to describe who they are and they're going to be able to connect with you in your heart and everything that you're doing more than how you look. The visual appearance that we talked about in earlier episodes.

Donna Kunde



Yeah. Maya Angelou, wasn't it? People don't care what you say. I should never go off script.

Declan Oceguera



They remember how you made them feel.

Donna Kunde




Declan Oceguera



They don't remember what you said. They remember how you made them feel.

Donna Kunde



Exactly. Yeah. It's the same thing here. It's that connection through the heart. So make sure you subscribe to the show@tvtalkshowformula.com, because we're going to go deeper into this and other topics along the way. And if you want support from us for your TV talk show, contact us at tvtalkshowformula info. There's a lot of mindset work we've done up to this point. Sometimes it helps to have a mentor along the way or someone to hold a mirror up when you're getting into this point of choosing someone and not just anyone into this whole thing. So do you want to get us into what we need to do?

Declan Oceguera



Yes. So in the previous episode, we invited you to make your list right. Of the types of people who would you work with for free? But we know, of course, we want them to be able to pay. So this is free, right? Exactly. We want you to look at that bucket, right. And allow them to introduce themselves to you. What are they like? So we're asking you to take this to a deeper level. And this is, again, we've talked about the theater of the mind. So we're inviting you to really kind of go into the theater of your mind and imagine that you're having a conversation with just one person from that bucket. What are they like? Who are they? Allow them to tell you about themselves, their likes, their aspirations, their hopes, their dreams, their struggles. Right. And you'll be surprised how much information can come to you when you just detach from so called reality. Allow yourself to go into that theory of your mind and listen. It's really a really fun practice. So you want to write record everything down. Write everything down that this person is saying to you as if you were speaking to this person in real life. Right. Anything else to say about that?

Donna Kunde



Well, lately the chat GPT AI has been kind of blowing our mind. People go in and out and back and forth with that. But once you go into the theater of your mind and you kind of get this idea of what it is, if you wanted to, if you have access to chat GPT, maybe put it in there and say, who is this person? Give me as much detail as you can and just use it as a launching pad, as a starting point. Might be kind of fun to do. We've been having fun with it.

Declan Oceguera



It might kind of blow your mind, and what it says gives you a chance to say, that's not right, or, oh, my gosh, it said it even better than I could have said it. Right. So it's not necessarily the truth. What comes out of it, but it can really guide you to creating your truth for creating this target viewer. Target audience.

Donna Kunde



A good first draft. Yeah.

Declan Oceguera



Yes, for sure.

Donna Kunde



What do we want them to do?

Declan Oceguera



Okay, so once you've created and given more life to this ideal viewer, we want you to make a three minute video. This is a little different exercise than the videos we've made before, because we.

Donna Kunde



Didn't say short before now. It was always short before. Now it's a specific three minutes, right?

Declan Oceguera



Which might seem like forever if you're not used to making videos, but now we're getting close to kicking you out of the nest here into making videos. Get your wings going, right?

Donna Kunde



But if you ever want direct live.

Declan Oceguera



Support, right, this might be when you go to Tvtalkshowformula.info. So you're going to make a video. You can do this. We know you can. This is why we did all the mindset work with you first. And you're going to speak to just one problem that your primary future audience struggles with. So there would be many things that they might need help with, right? So you just pick one and make this video speaking about what your unique perspective and solution would be. And we want you to share this on social media and notice who starts to respond or engages, right? Whether it's a like anything, even be that they're angry or they're laughing at it, it doesn't matter what they do, right? Or especially if there's comments, we want you to just start paying attention to what the message is, how that message was being received.

Donna Kunde



You just recently moved to Portugal, so you're basically starting all over again with very much with this ideal audience. And do you want to talk about this idea of a short video that you used in your program and how this is showing up on your social?

Declan Oceguera



So, I do tons of short videos. In fact, I was making one right before we started recording here today. And literally, these are 1 minute and 32nd videos because they're reals, right? Sometimes they do up to three minutes, four minutes, five minutes. But these are all short videos. And what I'm doing is I'm talking about my experience of being here in Portugal and I'm making videos talking about a different project that I'm working on mostly right now. And this is all exactly what we're showing you how to do. I'm creating a whole new audience around a different topic area that I love to talk and teach about. And so I'm using these videos to people see that I'm here, they see that I've made this huge leap from living in San Diego to living in Portugal. All of a sudden creating this entire new life. And it's creating a lot of curiosity, and people want to know, well, how did you do that? What led to that? And so these are talking about metaphysical stuff and tools that I'm using around quantum leaping and transformation and all this stuff, right? But the point here is that these videos are the gateway for me to see. Well, who's paying attention and who's listening and who cares about this? And I put them on Facebook, I put them on LinkedIn, but when I put them on Instagram, a really interesting happened over there. These are in English, but it's Portuguese speaking people who are starting to follow me from Portugal and from Brazil. And so a whole new audience is being developed. Even though I'm not speaking in Portuguese, I might say a word or two, but because I'm here, they're interested in and how would I know that? I have a whole other marketplace who's interested in transformation work, right?

Donna Kunde



And we got to end it now. But follow Declan on his socials. We'll put the links in the show notes. And we have to pick this up more, but we have to end it now also.

About the Podcast

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TV Talk Show Formula
Join us on a 13-week journey to create a high-quality TV talk show that showcases your unique talents, attracts your ideal clients, and establishes your authority in your industry with the TV Talk Show Formula.

About your hosts

Profile picture for Declan Oceguera

Declan Oceguera

Declan Oceguera
International TV Producer & Talk Show Host, Visionary Media Institute Founder

Declan Oceguera is a video and TV Talk Show Host whose TV Talk Show Formula has impacted over 100,000 lives globally and gives business owners and entrepreneurs a simple way to make a positive impact while sharing their vision and services with an aligned audience. Via his flagship training program, The Authority & Visibility Accelerator, Declan shows visionary authors, coaches and course creators how to transform their life experiences into attention-getting videos that magnetize their ideal customers. Declan’s life mission is to elevate consciousness in the world and that’s why he teaches heart-centered experts how to broadcast their brilliance by hosting their own TV show.

Ready to learn how to launch your own TV Talk Show? Contact Declan today at http://tvtalkshowformula.info for an exploration call!
Profile picture for Donna Kunde

Donna Kunde

Donna Kunde
Global Radio Authority & Podcast Expert, IBGR Co-Founder

Donna Kunde is a podcast host & radio personality who has produced almost 14,000 podcasts, while elevating businesses, with more than 775,000 downloads (to date). So with her own international business radio station (and network), Donna is amplifying more than 70 experts (in 14 countries), reaching listeners in more than 180 countries, and delivering worldwide transformation, every single day. Donna is all about taking proven wisdom and applying it, 13 minutes at a time. Then turning that into a podcast AND book, in just 20 weeks. (It’s called the Influencers Formula.) If you’d like to learn more about the Influencers Formula for your business, contact Donna today.