Tuesday Sep 26, 2023

Part 2 - Exploring Authenticity: Reimagining Relationships and Embracing Individuality

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Editor: NJz Audio


This week's episode continues our deep dive with G-Rex and Dirty Skittles, and you won't want to miss a moment as we unravel the complexities of relationships, self-discovery, and the ever-tricky journey of finding peace amidst chaos.

Today, our hosts are joined by our extraordinary guests, Jay, Mr M, and Mr. T, who share some of the most personal moments of their lives, from the thorny path of divorce to the exhilarating process of self-realization.

**What You'll Learn in This Episode:**

- 🧩 How to navigate through the end of a marriage and the lessons that come with dividing a life built together.

- 🔨 The trials of repairing and selling a home in the midst of personal upheaval and a global pandemic.

- 🛋️ The significance of reclaiming space and establishing a personal style while rediscovering individuality post-divorce.

- 📚 Balancing the demands of returning to school and maintaining a demanding job.

- 🏳️‍🌈 Embracing identity and the journey of self-acceptance as a "baby lesbian gay person."

- 🔄 The importance of consistency in relationships versus grand, yet sporadic, gestures.

- 🧘🏽 The role of self-reflection in identifying and mitigating unhealthy behaviors.

- 💰 Insights into the financial intricacies of starting a life with someone new while closing chapters with the past.

- 🚀 Why it’s crucial to be financially independent and not intertwined with someone else’s obligations.

- 👤 Learning the art of being alone and finding peace within oneself.

- 🏘️ The pros, cons, and financial considerations of cohabitation before fully detaching from previous commitments.

- 💞 How finding a significant relationship can bring much-needed stability into one’s life.

- 🛀 Why self-care and self-love should never take a backseat.

**Life Lessons & Insights:**

- Mr. M and Mr. T's perspectives on being true to oneself and expressing deep love for life.

- Understanding that mistakes are not just setbacks; they're valuable lessons carved into our life’s journey.

- Insight into how letting go of the past can be the key to moving forward towards a brighter future.

Now, before we jump into the thick of it, a quick reminder to all our beloved listeners—subscribe, rate, and review "Sh!t That Goes On In Our Heads" on your favorite podcast platform. Your feedback is the heartbeat of our community, and your input keeps us going! Don't forget to share your own stories and insights; we love hearing from each and every one of you.

And, as always, stay tuned for next week's episode, when we'll continue unraveling the sh!t that goes on in our heads. Until next time, keep venting, keep reflecting, and keep growing!

#Divorce #SelfDiscovery #RelationshipInsights #FinancialIndependence #LGBTQ #SelfCare #Cohabitation #RealEstateWoes #LifeLessons #StressManagement #PodcastLove #SubscribeRateReview #ShitThatGoesOnInOurHeads

S03E10: part 2 - Exploring Authenticity: Reimagining Relationships and Embracing Individuality

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