Mick Unplugged

Mick begins with a personal anecdote, drawing us into the world of self-discovery. He speaks of a time when he realized that identifying one's 'because' is not merely about goal-setting but igniting a deep-seated passion and purpose within. He shares his experiences of introspection, the challenges of evaluating his social circle, and the power of solitude and journaling in uncovering his true mission.

As the story progresses, Mick highlights the significance of celebrating small victories. He narrates tales of individuals who transformed their lives by acknowledging every minor success, emphasizing that each small win is a crucial brushstroke in the larger canvas of life.

The narrative turns towards daily living, where Mick illustrates how embedding one's core purpose into every aspect of life can lead to profound changes. He shares practical examples of using one's 'because' as a filter for decision-making and the importance of nightly reflections to stay aligned with long-term aspirations.

Mick then guides us through tracking progress and reflecting on the journey. Through vivid storytelling, he depicts how documenting every step, whether through a journal or an app, helps recognize the transformation within and learn from both victories and setbacks.

The climax of the episode is about adaptability and resilience. Mick shares stories of individuals who embraced change, pivoted strategies, and learned from every situation, highlighting the importance of a growth mindset and flexibility in pursuing one's 'because'.

Key Points to Remember:
  1. Discover Your 'Because': Go beyond goals to find your true passion and purpose.
  2. Celebrate Small Wins: Acknowledge every small achievement as a step towards your larger goal.
  3. Live Your Purpose Daily: Integrate your core purpose into every decision and action.
  4. Track and Reflect: Document your journey and learn from successes and failures.
  5. Be Adaptable: Embrace change and maintain a growth mindset to navigate life's challenges.
As the episode draws to a close, Mick leaves us with a powerful message: our 'because' is our superpower, and by unleashing it, we can transform our lives and impact the world around us. He encourages listeners to step out not just as dreamers but as doers, architects of their own future, and champions of their own story.

Stay tuned for more empowering stories and insights on Mick Unplugged, where every episode is a step towards unlocking your true potential.

What is Mick Unplugged?

Mick Unplugged" is a thought-provoking and inspiring podcast that invites listeners to embark on a transformative journey beyond the conventional concept of 'Why' and into the empowering realm of 'Because.' Hosted by the engaging and insightful Mick Hunt, this podcast is perfect for those who are not just dreamers but doers, leaders, and anyone aspiring to make a significant impact in their personal and professional lives.

Each episode of "Mick Unplugged" delves deep into how understanding and embracing your 'Because' – your core driving force – can turn aspirations into actions and dreams into realities. Listeners can expect to gain practical advice on how to identify their own 'Because,' learn to make it a daily focus, and understand how it can fuel their journey towards success and fulfillment.

Whether you're looking to find deeper motivation, set meaningful goals, or simply seeking inspiration to overcome challenges, "Mick Unplugged" offers valuable insights and tools to help you on your path.


Are you ready to change your habits, sculpt your destiny, and light up your path to greatness? Welcome to the epicenter of transformation. This is Mick Unplugged. We'll help you identify your because so you can create a routine that's not just productive, but powerful. You'll embrace the art of evolution, adapt strategies to stay ahead of the game, and take a step toward the extraordinary.


So let's unleash your potential. Now here's Mick.

Mick Hunt:

Welcome to another electrifying episode of Mick Unplugged, where we peel back the layers of the ordinary to reveal the extraordinary that you have within you. Today, we're not just talking. We're launching a revolution in your daily life. We're gonna ignite your because and turn it into action. The mission today is to journey through 5 engaging takeaways that you can start implementing right now.

Mick Hunt:

Each step is a catalyst for extraordinary change. And I can promise you this. This is gonna be more than a podcast. It's a call to action, a challenge to elevate your life. So are you ready to unleash your potential?

Mick Hunt:

Then let's dive into this adventure and transform your because into an unstoppable power. So takeaway number 1 is identify your because. And identifying your because isn't just about setting goals. It's about igniting passion and purpose in your life. This is your inner challenge, a quest to connect deeply with what truly drives you.

Mick Hunt:

I want you to ask yourself, what legacy are you trying to leave behind? You know, my journey into identifying my because was filled with a lot of introspection and revelation. I am constantly looking at and evaluating my close circle because remember, everyone doesn't want to see you win. There are a lot of average people in your circle who are gonna always stay average and want you to stay average as well. They're that voice that's telling you you can't do something or that your dreams are too big.

Mick Hunt:

So check your circle. Who's pushing you? Who's holding you back? It might actually surprise you. So I challenge you to embark on this journey of introspection as well.

Mick Hunt:

Spend some time in solitude, journaling your thoughts, talking to your mentors, and exploring your past successes and failures. See who was around you when things mattered the most. This isn't a quick task. It's a profound exploration of your heart and your mind. And when you truly pinpoint your because and those that are on that journey with you, you don't just find a reason, you uncover your mission.

Mick Hunt:

Let this mission be the force that propels you forward each and every day. Takeaway 2 is recognizing the power of small wins. In this journey towards realizing your because, embracing the power of small wins is pivotal. It's about understanding that every great achievement is the journey of tiny, deliberate actions. Every small win is a step forward.

Mick Hunt:

It's a proof of progress. It's a celebration of persistence. They're the whispers of encouragement when the shouts of ambition seem to fade into the distance. Every win is important. Robert Collier once said, success is the sum of small efforts repeated day in and day out.

Mick Hunt:

This quote truly manifest the essence of this lesson. It reminds us that consistency in small efforts leads to monumental results. It's about setting daily achievable goals that align with your ultimate because. Whether it's improving a skill by 1% every day or reading for 20 minutes to expand your knowledge or simply just dedicating time to reflect on your goals. Every small effort counts.

Mick Hunt:

Vincent Van Gogh once said, great things are not done by impulse, but by a series of small things brought together. How powerful is that? Van Gogh's wisdom highlights the importance of patience and persistence. Your Because is a grand vision. It's a masterpiece waiting to be revealed.

Mick Hunt:

Like a painter adding 1 stroke at a time to the canvas, your daily actions, no matter how small, are crucial brushstrokes contributing to the bigger picture of life. So what are the action plans for embracing small wins? Let's start with 3 small steps. Define your goals daily. Start each day by setting specific, achievable goals that contribute to a larger vision.

Mick Hunt:

Step 2, build incrementally. Focus on building skills and habits incrementally. Small, consistent improvements lead to significant growth over time. Step 3, stay committed. Keep your eyes on the long term vision, but focus your energy on short term actions.

Mick Hunt:

Your commitment to daily progress is what will bring your Because to life. By valuing every small win, you're not just moving closer to your goals. You're also cultivating a mindset of resilience, determination, and gratitude. These are the qualities that will sustain you on your journey, turning obstacles into stepping stones and dreams into reality. Takeaway number 3.

Mick Hunt:

This is an important one. Live your because every day. To transform your because from a concept into daily practice requires intention, discipline, and creativity. Living your because means embedding your core purpose into every aspect of your life, turning every action, every decision, and every thought into a reflection of your ultimate goals. This isn't just about having a vision.

Mick Hunt:

It's about making that vision a tangible part of your everyday life. Jim Rohn reminds us that your life doesn't get better by chance. It gets better by change. Gonna say that again. Your life doesn't get better by chance.

Mick Hunt:

It gets better by change. This quote highlights the proactive nature of personal transformation. It's a call to take action, urging us to make deliberate changes that align with our deepest values and aspirations. Here's an action plan for integrating your Because every day. Start with the morning ritual.

Mick Hunt:

Begin every day with the ritual that centers around your because. This could be meditation. This could be reading, or this could be simple affirmation that reminds you of your purpose. This ritual sets the tone for your day, ensuring your actions are aligned with your core values. The second part is decision filters.

Mick Hunt:

Use your Because as a filter for your decisions. Before committing to a new project, a new relationship, or a goal, ask yourself, does it serve purpose for your ultimate vision? This practice helps you avoid distractions and stay focused on actions that propelled you towards your vision and, ultimately, your because. And the 3rd action plan, reflective evenings. In every day in reflection, consider your actions throughout the day and how they've moved you closer to your goals.

Mick Hunt:

Acknowledge your success, learn from your mistakes, and plan adjustments for the following day. This habit reinforces commitment to living your because and provides valuable insights for growth continuously. Living your because every day is about making your purpose through the lens of which you view the world. It's a commitment to aligning your actions, your thoughts, and your decisions with the essence of who you are and what you aim to achieve. By incorporating these daily practices into your routine, you transform your life into a living expression that talks through your deepest aspirations.

Mick Hunt:

Takeaway number 4, and this is a big one, track progress and reflect. Your journey towards living a Because driven life is a story of progress, and every story has to be told. Tracking your progress and reflecting on your journey isn't just a practice. It's a true celebration of your growth. I challenge you to document your steps no matter how big or how small.

Mick Hunt:

Keep a journal, a vision board, use an app, whatever it is that helps you visualize your journey. This isn't just about ticking off task. It's about recognizing transformation unfolding within you. Reflect deeply, celebrate your victories, and learn from the setbacks. Ask yourself, have these habits brought you closer to your because?

Mick Hunt:

How have they sculpted the person that you are truly becoming? This reflection is powerful. It's a beacon that keeps you aligned with your true star. Embrace your practice with honesty and courage, and let it fuel your journey forward. Takeaway number 5 is always adjust and adapt.

Mick Hunt:

In this pursuit of your because, agility and adaptation are the most powerful tools that you have. They're what allow you to navigate the unprecedented waters of life with grace and resilience. Embracing change, pivoting strategies, and learning from every situation are crucial components of your journey. One of my favorite quotes from Colin Powell is this, success is not final. Failure is not fatal.

Mick Hunt:

It's the courage to continue that counts. Say that one more time. Success is not final. Failure is not fatal. It's the courage to continue that counts.

Mick Hunt:

This quote embodies the essence of agility and adaptation. It speaks to the heart of resilience, emphasizing that the journey to success is punctuated with both successes and setbacks. The true measure of progress lies in your ability to persevere, to adapt, and to continue moving forward no matter what being fueled by your because. So a quick action plan to embrace agility and activity, the first thing to do is to cultivate a growth mindset. View every experience as an opportunity to learn and grow.

Mick Hunt:

Embrace challenges as chances to stretch your capabilities and deepening your understanding. The next part is to stay open to new paths. Be prepared to adjust your course as new information and opportunities arise. This might mean exploring new strategies, abandoning outdated goals, or taking risk on untested ideas. Flexibility is your ally.

Mick Hunt:

And the third thing is learn from every outcome. Whether you're celebrating a win or reflecting on a setback, these are always lessons to be learned. Analyze outcomes to understand what worked, what didn't, and how you can improve. This is the process, and it's key for adaptation. By integrating these practices into your journey, you empower yourself to navigate the complexities of life with confidence and purpose.

Mick Hunt:

Remember, your Because is not a static destination, but it's a dynamic path that evolves as you grow. So embrace this journey with agility and adaptation, and you'll discover that every step forward is a step towards realizing your deepest aspirations. So as we draw this chapter to a close, I want you to ignite the fire that you have within you. You have the blueprint. You have the tools.

Mick Hunt:

You have the vision to transform your because into a living, breathing part of your everyday life. But remember, it's not just what you do. It's about who you become in the process. You're not just changing habits, you're sculpting your destiny. Let your Because be the flame that burns brightly in your heart, guiding you through the challenges and lighting your path to greatness.

Mick Hunt:

So I want you to step out today not as dreamers, but as doers. As architects of your own future, your journey is yours to create. It's your story to write and your story to tell. So go out there and live your because with every fiber of your being. Set the world on fire with your passion, with your dedication, and your unwavering spirit.

Mick Hunt:

Remember, your because is your superpower. Unleash it. Let these words not just echo in your ears, but resonate in your heart and your actions. Every step you take, every habit you form, every challenge you embrace is amplifying this superpower within you. Be bold, be unstoppable, and let the power of your purpose shine through.

Mick Hunt:

Alright. Until next time, this is Mick reminding you to unleash your superpower because the world needs what only you can bring. Stay empowered, stay inspired, and stay unplugged.


Thanks for listening to Mick Unplugged. We hope this episode helps you take the next step toward the extraordinary and launches a revolution in your life. Don't forget to rate and review the podcast and be sure to check us out on YouTube at Mick Unplugged. Remember, stay empowered, stay inspired, and stay unplugged.