What It Means To Be Selected As A Podcast Staff Favorite On The Podcast Network

You may have noticed that your one of the episodes from your podcast is featured on our Staff Favorites page at  https://worldpodcast.network/staff-favorites/

What Does It Mean To Be Picked By Our Staff?

In this short and sweet blog post, we explain all about the staff favorites. When your episode is selected by our staff as a Staff Favorite, it is a big deal. We want visitors of our podcast network to know that we listened to your podcast and highly recommend it to them. We do not have the time to listen to over 30,000 episodes, so we shop episodes by title and then we listen, all the way through. Not all episodes are selected by our staff after listening, so if your podcast episode is listed on this page, it really appealed to one of our staff members on the Editorial Team. We want to show our love and support for the hard work on your podcast, so we let our visitors know that your episode is worth the listen and download.

Tell Your Audience That Your Episode Was Selected!

Announce it on your podcast episodes, social media, and more. With us detecting over 25 to 40 new podcast episodes every day, your episodes could get lost in the shuffle. Not anymore! With our staff favorites, you can now get more downloads and streams on your podcast. It is a curated section and we are always on the lookout for new podcast episodes to feature. The Staff Favorites section is one way we do it.

The Staff Favorites section is not the only section we have to get your podcast more exposure. You can also find new audience members with our Daily Leaderboard

With our daily leaderboard, podcasts move up and down the ranks every single day. Check out if YOUR podcast made the daily leaderboard at https://worldpodcast.network/weekly-podcast-leaderboard/. If not, you can get votes on your podcast episodes from your audience members and increase your chances of moving up the leaderboard every day. Your dedicated podcast profile has vote links under most episodes. All people have to do is click the VOTE link and your podcast can move up in the leaderboard rankings. Check out the voting rules for the daily leaderboard at https://worldpodcast.network/podcast-episode-voting-rules/

Do you think your episode should be a staff favorite? Would you like to tell our Editorial Team to check out your episode?

We always welcome podcasters notifying us of their best episodes. It may be a hidden gem waiting for us. With over 30,000 episodes, we could use a little help to see which of the best episodes to include on our staff favorites page. Simply contact us on our contact form and where it says General Subject, select "Select My Episode For Staff Favorites". Our Editorial team will review all submissions and notify you if selected.

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Author Of This Blog
Bruce Chamoff
About Bruce Chamoff
Bruce is a visionary and the founder for the World Podcast Network. He founded the World Podcast Network in 2005 and has been responsible for its success ever since. He is also a musician and songwriter with 7 albums and 27 singles. As the host of Become A Successful Podcaster, Bruce has helped new and seasoned podcasters grow their shows and find success in both monetization and audience growth.

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