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Real Estate category card
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Real Estate city card
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<div class="fs-sm">for rent <span class="fw-semibold">3845</span></div>
Cars category card: Variant 1
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<h3 class="h6 pt-3 mb-1">
<a class="hover-effect-underline stretched-link" href="#">Family MPV</a>
<p class="fs-sm text-body-secondary mb-2">582 offers</p>
Cars category card: Variant 2
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City Guide category
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Contractors category
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Doctors directory card
Providing comprehensive eye exams, vision correction, and eye health services to ensure optimal visual performance and eye care.
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<a class="hover-effect-underline stretched-link" href="#">Optometrist</a>
<p class="fs-sm mb-0">Providing comprehensive eye exams, vision correction, and eye health services to ensure optimal visual performance and eye care.</p>
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Events category
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