Antionette Blake
Antionette Blake, who is more commonly known and widely recognized as the award winning Delaware Blogger is also a podcast host, vlogger, author, social media strategist, educator/coach and professional speaker. Antionette started teaching blogging classes at local libraries in and around the state of Delaware in 2013, then she began teaching podcasting in 2019. Antionette is the content creator of the DelBlogger blog and hosts 2 podcasts: Blog Your Way to a Business Profit and The Delaware Blogger Podcast. Antionette is an alum of Delaware State (College) University, Class of 1983, BS Elementary Education. She is a native New Yorker who was employed in Corporate America for 32 years, married for 30 years, and is the mother of 2 adult sons.[p]As the owner of ABlake Enterprises, Social Media Marketing and Consulting she works with industry leaders, business owners and entrepreneurs assisting them with strategies to help them broaden their brand and expand their exposure online. Antionette creates and curates content for their targeted audience and works to ensure that they are engaging on the correct platform with consistency and creativity. As a professional speaker she was a featured Breakout Speaker at the 2019 BloggerWeek UnConference in Washington, DC, presented the Power of Podcasting and has conducted Social Media Marketing Workshops and Seminars to various groups and organizations including at the Delaware Technical Community College 2020 Social Media Day, Delaware State University, John Hopkins, First State Community Loan Center, Seeds of Greatness Bible Church, Central Baptist Church, SHRM, NAWBO DE, YWCA DE and the Central Delaware Rotary Club. Seminars have included Social Media Savvy for Students at Delaware State University, William Penn and Dover High Schools; Blogging for Small Business at the DEDO eCommerce Sales and Marketing Event, Social Media Training at Independent Resources, Inc., Social Media for Professional and Personal Networking for IAAP and training of over 1500 attendees in various Social Media and Blogging Workshops. Antionette was a volunteer instructor for the Delaware Financial Literacy Institute; and an Ambassador for the New Castle County Chamber of Commerce.[p]Antionette is an Adjunct Instructor who teaches Building a Basic Blog at Delaware Technical Community College and has conducted a Blogging Bootcamp for students in 6th-8th grades. As the content creator for DelBlogger, she regularly collaborates with major brands with writing product reviews, sponsoring contests/giveaways and providing social media coverage at various events. She was a Brand Ambassador for Verizon Wireless and provided reviews on various tech gadgets. Antionette's first blog, DeDivahDeals was the recipient of the 2013 Reader's Choice Award for Best Blog by Delaware Today Magazine and awarded Best Blogger 2017 from the North Delaware Happening Magazine. She was featured on and has published articles in Woman's Day Magazine, Parade and Ladies Life magazines, and was a contributor to She's-It Digital Magazine and Emerge Women Magazine. Interviewed on various programs and podcasts including : Women of a Certain Age in Australia, The Delaware Way and The Brittingham Chronicles on 1450 WILM; she was also featured in the September edition of Delaware Today Magazine as one of 36 Most Intriguing Delawareans and at She's Not Called The Delaware Blogger for Nothing. On WHYY she was featured on a Friday First segment as the Boomer who Blogs; has hosted a fashion segment on MadHouseTV in Long Island, NY and an event in which WWE Superstar Ron The Truth Killings was the Keynote Speaker. Antionette was the recipient of 2017 Entrepreneur of the Year, by the Psi Iota Chapter of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. and featured in a SCORE Small Business Success Story.