Larry Davis
Larry Davis is the CEO and Founder of REMEDY Team, an organization founded on the principles of Christian leadership in a secular society. Davis's passion for education and social betterment is fourth only to his love of God, his blessed children, and family. Davis spent 12 years in corporate America in various leadership positions before becoming a second-career educator. In his education career Davis has been a classroom teacher, an assistant principal, an associate principal, and a high-school principal, a district administrator for school improvement, a district administrator for AVID programs, a district administrator for college career readiness/CTE/IB programs, a regional director of schools, and the executive director of secondary student learning and talent development. Davis has written curriculum in three different school districts (two in Texas and in California), he has published six books, and researched and developed several educational platforms that increase student achievement, grow and support leadership, help retain employees, and that improve an organizations culture and climate. Davis has presented and conducted professional workshops in seventeen different cities and states across the US. Education Needs A Champion and Our Children Deserve One!Davis received his Associate degree from Weatherford College in Weatherford, Texas, and his bachelor's degree from the University of Texas at Arlington. He earned his master's degree from Texas Woman's University, Denton, Texas.