Susy Lee
The author of 'Raising Kids Who Care: Practical conversations for exploring stuff that matters, together', Susy Lee lives to help families build a healthy culture of communication and contribution to The Common Good. An award-winning and eternal student, Susy Lee majored in psychology and has a master's degree in Peace and Conflict Studies. This helped her consider how parenting and wealth equity play roles in social cohesion. Her eclectic career twirls around the twin themes of social justice and children. It has included state and national education and consultancy roles with children and families, international aid and development, and advocacy.[p]Susy is also an engaging presenter who has taught all ages from Grade 1 to University, and runs conference workshops for parents and families. She lives a bike ride from the beach in Sydney, Australia, dances whenever music plays, and has raised two caring sons with her generous husband Brian. Susy has created generational change in her family.[p]For more information visithttps://www.raisingkidswhocare.infoSusy is looking to guest on these podcasts: Parenting (primarily with kids aged 5-18+) Relationships, Society and Culture, Social Justice Issues Worldwide