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A Dad’s Path By Will Braunstein Podcast on the World Podcast Network and the NY City Podcast Network
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Every day is filled with opportunities for you to be the best dad you can be. We help you recognize these moments and make them count. Fatherhood is the most challenging and most important job you will ever have. We help you stay confident, in control, and recover quickly when things go wrong. We’re real dads solving everyday problems together so you never have to be alone. Will Braunstein started A Dad’s Path to learn what it takes to be a good father, and in this podcast, he shares what he’s learning along the way. Subscribe to the show to access breakthroughs and insights from his guests.
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105 episodes!!! Showing the 50 most recent episodes. Listen and download the latest 5 episodes below...

#105 - Reducing Reactivity In Your Kids: Transformative Parenting Strategies With Yshai Boussi

Published 07/23/2024
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#104 - Allowance And Beyond: Creating A Financial Education Plan For Your Kids

Published 07/15/2024
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#103 - Eight Setbacks That Can Make A Child A Success With Michelle Icard

Published 07/01/2024
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#102- Exploring The World With Kids: An Interview With Margaret Sullivan

Published 06/17/2024
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#101 - From Butcher’s Son To Business Leader: A Dad’s Journey

Published 06/03/2024
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