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Audio Branding with Jodi Krangle Podcast on the World Podcast Network and the NY City Podcast Network
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Keeping a consistent sound in how you present your company really is the “hidden gem” of marketing. But audio or sonic branding influences us in many different ways and in many different places within our lives. I’ll be exploring that here, both with my own observations and by interviewing knowledgeable professionals in the field of advertising, marketing, music and science.
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246 episodes!!! Showing the 50 most recent episodes. Listen and download the latest 5 episodes below...

In The Clubhouse: Sound In Social Media - Part 2

Published 07/24/2024
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In The Clubhouse: Sound In Social Media - Part 1

Published 07/17/2024
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AI And Its Impact On Audio Quality: A Conversation With Jamie Muffett - Part 2

Published 07/10/2024
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The Journey From Music To Voiceover To Podcasting: A Conversation With Jamie Muffett - Part 1

Published 07/03/2024
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How To Improve Your Podcast Audio To Engage Listeners: A Conversation With Chris Stone - Part 2

Published 06/26/2024
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