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FDR’s Wheelchair by Brandon Zigler Podcast on the World Podcast Network and the NY City Podcast Network
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FDR’s Wheelchair is a political podcast with hosts Dave Martin and Brandon Zigler, giving you hilarious commentary on current events. There may even be an opinion or two thrown in from time to time. Join us, you’ll laugh, cry, maybe go into hiding, it’ll be fun.
This is a Professional podcast!
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189 episodes!!! Showing the 50 most recent episodes. Listen and download the latest 5 episodes below...

The Ball Is In Your Court

Published 07/19/2024
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Download directly at https://www.buzzsprout.com/1325326/15441353-the-ball-is-in-your-court.mp3

Bureaucratic Gymnastics

Published 07/12/2024
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Download directly at https://www.buzzsprout.com/1325326/15406618-bureaucratic-gymnastics.mp3

Pool Side Chat - Shallow Meaning

Published 07/06/2024
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Download directly at https://www.buzzsprout.com/1325326/15370249-pool-side-chat-shallow-meaning.mp3

Playground Bris

Published 06/29/2024
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Download directly at https://www.buzzsprout.com/1325326/15332272-playground-bris.mp3

White Supremacy - When Beige Goes Bad

Published 06/19/2024
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Download directly at https://www.buzzsprout.com/1325326/15281348-white-supremacy-when-beige-goes-bad.mp3
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