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Heal Yourself. Change Your Life with Brandy Gillmore Podcast on the World Podcast Network and the NY City Podcast Network
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We’ve all heard of the placebo, so we know with certainty that our minds have healing abilities. That’s a fact. On this podcast, Brandy takes this common awareness to a whole new level! Brandy shares with you key insights her own “miraculous” healing and also takes live callers (who have no prior training) and coaches them to get physical healing results – even releasing pain within minutes using only their mind. She then provides you with a combination of logical and spiritual advice on how she did it to help you heal yourself from disease, injuries, chronic pain, emotional pain, or just being stuck in life.  
This is a Professional podcast!
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417 episodes!!! Showing the 50 most recent episodes. Listen and download the latest 5 episodes below...

IQ-167: Programming Your Mind For A Youthful, Happy, And Healthy Life

Published 07/22/2024
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246: Breaking Free From Fear, Self-Judgment, And Insecurity For A Healthier, Happier Life

Published 07/19/2024
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IQ-166: Liberating Your Mind: Letting Go Of Blame To Unlock Your Healing Potential

Published 07/15/2024
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245: Trading Victimhood For Victory: Empowering Yourself To Move Forward

Published 07/12/2024
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IQ-165: Are You Overlooking This Hidden Piece That’s Keeping You Stuck?

Published 07/08/2024
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