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Holiday Boutique Finds Podcast on the World Podcast Network and the NY City Podcast Network
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New Year

Happy New Year! I’ve moved my Etsy Shop to Shopify, where you can still find all the great items – plus some new ones – to holidayboutiquefinds.net. This episode talks about some of the reasons why and what you can find at my store in the New Year.

Growing Pains

Letting go of your kids is not easy as a parent, especially when you aren’t ready.

Holiday Boutique Finds Commercial

Holiday Boutique Finds is a small shop on Etsy where you will find great deals! Starting today, we are having our FIRST 75% OFF Clearance Sale on Christmas Items and Home Decor Items. Get some great seasonal items for next December and save some money! https://holidayboutiquefinds.etsy.com
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