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Ropescast Podcast on the World Podcast Network and the NY City Podcast Network
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The hosts of ROPESCAST Ibrahim Abu-Ahmad and Ksenia Svetlova invite you to join the only podcast in the Middle East that discusses peacebuilding, the regional vision and the cooperation between the countries in the Middle East, as well as politics, economics, culture and social issues.

Whether the topic is the future of the Abraham Accords, the Saudi – Syrian rapprochement or Israeli-Palestinian peacebuilding, ROPESCAST monthly podcast offers the most original and interesting views and voices of opinion-makers, activists and scholars of the region.

This is a Professional podcast!
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27 episodes!!! Listen and download the latest 5 episodes below...

Episode 27| Abdallah Aljenaid: A Bahraini Vision For The Future

Published 07/14/2024
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Episode 26| Voices From The Frontline In Rafah

Published 06/03/2024
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Episode 25| Can The Middle East Reform Itself?

Published 04/30/2024
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Episode 24| Let Us Join Voices And Call For Real Peace

Published 04/07/2024
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Episode 23| Rebuilding Trust: Managing Palestinian-Israeli Business Amidst Conflict

Published 03/27/2024
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