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The Jocular Pugilists Podcast Podcast on the World Podcast Network and the NY City Podcast Network
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Clueless individuals who completely understand how misinformed they are. Two fearless explorers, thirty seven years of friendship, one pandemic, three thousand miles, ridiculous opinions, alcohol and weak bladders. This is the Jocular Pugilists.Jocular (adj) – humorous, funny, witty, comic, comical, amusing, chucklesome, droll, entertaining, diverting, joking, jesting, hilarious, facetious, tongue-in-cheek; playful, lighthearted, jolly, jovial, cheerful, cheery, merry, mirthful, roguish, waggish, whimsical, teasing; informal jokey; dated sportive; rare jocose, ludic. ANTONYMS solemn, serious, earnestpugilist (n) – boxer, fighter, bruiser, pug; rare ringster.

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Brotherly Love Or Sibling Rivalry

Published 07/25/2024
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Walking On Eggshells: The Problem With Modern Conversations

Published 07/18/2024
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Don't Fall For The Deep Fake Scams!

Published 07/11/2024
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Everyone's An Expert But Nobody Seems To Know Anything

Published 07/04/2024
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Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes: Life's Crazy Twists And Turns

Published 06/27/2024
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