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Therapeutic Astrology Podcast By Mannah Podcast on the World Podcast Network and the NY City Podcast Network
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TAP (Therapeutic Astrology Podcast) offers you some time of self examination. My slogan is “A Place to Call Whole” — Some episodes will delve into some Evolutionary Astrology, as I personally study how planetary placements mirror our psychological workings – but I really want to address any theme, that can create profound change in life. So I hope the name of the podcast can function as a recognition of the interplay between ancient wisdom and modern healing modalities such as psychotherapy. In my version of what Therapeutic Astrology is, meditation is also included by the way. This podcast will therefor celebrate an eclectic approach, drawing from diverse disciplines that will take us to fundamental aspects of our transformation process. Some just call it life. Or recovery.
This is a Professional podcast!
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366 episodes!!! Showing the 50 most recent episodes. Listen and download the latest 5 episodes below...

329 - Peter H. Fogtdal - Sjælens Erfaringer - Klokketårnet I Piacenza - Personlighed Som Opbygget Gennem Tusindvis Af Eksistenser

Published 07/23/2024
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Guidet Meditation Med Kaspar Meitil På 10 Minutter

Published 07/13/2024
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#328 - Kaspar Meitil - Bevidsthed Og Selvafvikling - Hvorfor Du Ikke Kan Være Spirituel - Om Mental Frihed Og En Dybere Forståelse Af Bevidsthedens Mysterium

Published 07/13/2024
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#327 - Aut. Psykolog Lone Nørgaard - Process Work - Procesorienteret Psykologi - Kroppen Kalder

Published 07/06/2024
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#326 - Niklas Thrane - Integrativ Traumeheling- Psykens Selvbeskyttende Dele - Healing Frisætter Opmærksomheden

Published 06/28/2024
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