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Practical Teaching Tips with Richard James Rogers Podcast on the World Podcast Network and the NY City Podcast Network
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Practical teaching tips and advice for teachers. Richard is a high school science teacher and the author of an award-winning book – The Quick Guide to Classroom Management: 45 Secrets That All High School Teachers Need to Know.
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122 episodes!!! Showing the 50 most recent episodes. Listen and download the latest 5 episodes below...

#122: What Is Dual Coding?

Published 09/04/2024
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#121: Maintaining Professional Distance As A High School Teacher - Ten Essential Guidelines

Published 08/25/2024
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#120: Three Ways To Boost Your Classroom Confidence As A Teacher

Published 07/12/2024
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#119: Is It Acceptable For Teachers To Use Dating Apps?

Published 06/14/2024
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#118: The 7 Golden Rules Of Communication For Online Meetings

Published 04/23/2024
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