Consumer Protection: Why Are You Single?

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Are you single Have you ever wondered why are you single And no you are not single because society say there is more females than males in the United States According to the United States Census burea gov we have 1 018 we have slightly more men then women You can no longer use the excuse that there is not enough men in the world The reason you are single is because you can not see The truth is it is what is inside of you that keeps you from seeing The scales that are on your eyes keeps you from seeing the truth that there are quality potential mates right in front of your eyes Furthermore you do not need another dating site or an experienced match maker to help change your marital status Your marital status will not change until the scales fall from your eyes By now I am sure you are wondering what does the scales have to do with it Everything Every day you go about your daily business and pass up quality potential mates Let me give you an example What are scales SCALES ARE BLINDERS YOU SUDDENLY REALIZE THE TRUTH ABOUT SOMETHING AFTER A LONG PERIOD OF NOT UNDERSTANDING IT OR OF BEING DECEIVED ABOUT IT WHEN SCALES FALL OFF YOU FINALLY REALIZE YOU HAVE BEEN BELIEVING A LIE ABOUT SOMETHING OR A LIE ABOUT YOURSELF Click here to visit this podcast episode

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