Distractions – Using The Calm App #10

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Summary God our Father has a great desire to talk to us and commune with us The problem for us is getting to a place where we are able to hear Him This podcast is geared to help us get to that place by using simple tools like the Calm App to teach us how to get past and or eliminate distractions that keep us from really hearing what He has to say to us Show Notes God speaks in all kinds of ways if we can get our receptors out there and pay attention The key to this is putting a real priority and a high value on hearing the Lord When you start listening to these people talking about health fitness and nutrition so many of these folks put a pretty high value on meditation to help you into those disciplines And we aren t talking about Transcendental Meditation spirit guides or those kinds of things Meditation has gotten a bad reputation among Christians because of these Eastern philosophies but it is spoken of at least 20 times in the Bible Using the keys on the Calm App helps you get mindful and helps you to get in the moment If you set some time aside to get with the Father don t you think it s important enough to do all you can to eliminate distractions like your phone watch or other things that tend to pull your attention away from Him The Calm App takes you through different steps like deep breathing and relaxation by focusing on different parts of your body which helps us on how to discipline our mind and deal with stress so that a lot of these distractions can be eliminated The Calm App also guides you in your meditations by using calm music like ocean waves Quotes What we are going to talk about today are distractions that will cause you to miss some of the biggest things that you could have for your life It s not hard to hear the Lord but a lot of people struggle with just the thought of that First off make it a priority to get your heart and mind into a good place when you are going to take this time to spend with the Lord It s just possible that what the Lord wants to speak to you is more important than your Instagram your Snap Chat or your Facebook feed So those things are really really distracting Do you want to sit and talk to the Father or do you want that time with other people References 1 Peter 5 8 Takeaways This podcast offers some great tools to help us when we are trying to spend time hearing from the Lord It really points out how much distractions can rob us from getting into a place where we are able to hear Him and what He wants to speak to us The enemy uses distractions against us Because of that we have to make it a real priority and have a drive to push those distractions out of the way so that we can be successful in our walk with Him Click here to visit this podcast episode

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