EP176 Google On Google Cloud: How Google Secures Its Own Cloud Use

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Guest Seth Vargo Principal Software Engineer responsible for Google s use of the public cloud Google Topics Google uses the public cloud no way right Which one Oh yeah I guess this is obvious GCP right Where are we like other clients of GCP Where are we not like other cloud users Do we have any unique cloud security technology that we use that others may benefit from How does our cloud usage inform our cloud security products So is our cloud use profile similar to cloud natives or traditional companies What are some of the most interesting cloud security practices and controls that we use that are usable by others How do we make them work at scale Resources EP12 Threat Models and Cloud Security previous episode with Seth EP66 Is This Binary Legit How Google Uses Binary Authorization and Code Provenance EP75 How We Scale Detection and Response at Google Automation Metrics Toil EP158 Ghostbusters for the Cloud Who You Gonna Call for Cloud Forensics IAM Deny Seth Vargo blog Attention Is All You Need paper yes that one Click here to visit this podcast episode

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