warriors 4 Christ podcast On the New York City Podcast Network

Episode 31: Testimony: When I LOST Everything, I Gained CHRIST!

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In this episode we discuss the testimony of Brayden a college student at the University of Albany NY who graduates this coming year Brayden grew up with the truth a model Christian young man in the eyes of the fake Christian Church But the problem is God looks at the heart now our outward behavior Brayden had not yet been freed from the sinful thoughts that originated from his heart of sin that had not yet be spiritually circumsized and put to death through the baptism with Christ Brayden confessed Jesus Christ as his Lord and had been water baptized But until you are truly willing to lose everything AND accept the full truth of God s word to be freed from sin you are simply living a life of vanity Through an impending doom of calamity Brayden gave up ALL of his life to find Eternal Life Passages covered Jeremiah 18 1-12 Click here to visit this podcast episode

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