sab strategic advisor pboard podcast On the New York City Podcast Network

Episode 775 “War Room Round Table”: Innovating Podcast Monetization: A Deep Dive With Sam Sethi Of Truefans.FM

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Phillip Lanos hosts Sam Sethi the visionary CEO and founder of Truefans FM Sam introduces a groundbreaking approach to podcast monetization that veers away from traditional advertising potentially transforming how podcasts are consumed and valued Unlike the conventional method where ads are often skipped Sam 39 s model leverages a flexible wallet system allowing for microtransactions that reward both listeners and creators directly This system fosters a more engaging listener experience by monetizing every aspect of the podcast including interactions and direct listener feedback Throughout the discussion Sam explains the shortcomings of current advertising models in podcasting highlighting the disconnect between downloads and actual listener engagement He passionately advocates for a shift towards metrics that reflect true listener interaction like time listened which could drastically improve content quality and advertising effectiveness Sam also shares insights into the broader implications of this model on content creation across various media He emphasizes the potential for this monetization strategy to include diverse content types like music and educational courses integrating seamlessly into podcasts through RSS enhancements that support richer metadata and better user experiences Tune in to explore how Truefans FM is not just rethinking podcast monetization but potentially setting the stage for a new era of digital content consumption where creators are fairly compensated and listeners are actively engaged in the value exchange For more go to https www strategicadvisorboard comConnect Strategic Advisor Board https www linkedin com company strategic-advisor-boardJason Miller https www linkedin com in jasontmiller-sabPhillip Lanos https www linkedin com in philliplanos Sam Sethihttps www linkedin com in samsethi originalSubdomain ukhttps podstandards org https truefans fm Click here to visit this podcast episode

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