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Summary Our relationship with our Father deepens as we hunger and thirst after righteousness The Holy Spirit brings the answer of our seeking Him with a whole heart True communication answer to prayer and a relationship that has no end nbsp Show Notes People cannot be taught into the kingdom of God it must come by revelation through the Holy Spirit It s our hungering and thirsting after the Lord that opens up that deep relationship with Him As we enter into this one on one relationship with the Lord the Holy Spirit begins to make the Word come alive to us Our hungering and thirsting after God starts with our human initiative Because our relationship with the Lord is on His terms and not ours our human initiative turns into spiritual initiative as we mature in Him Everything has changed and the way I look at things is different now because I am hearing from God nbsp Quotes Two people can be in a room and they can be hearing the same words One can open his heart to the Lord and hear what God is speaking to him and the other one never get it never understand it It s about existing by the relationship you have with Him in the Spirit I know that a lot of people will tell you how to get there But the only way you re gonna get there is to hunger and thirst after God When you have a relationship you develop that relationship with the Lord come to know who He is then the word becomes alive to you It s a simple thing It s simply opening up your heart to know who the Lord is Lord I want to know you That s why we were saying spirit soul and body Click here to visit this podcast episode

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