Only Joe Pasquale

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Well Martin has been dreaming of this moment for a very long time ever since we started the Podcast Martin aimed to interview a Celebrity Today is the day Joe came into our Kitchen answered a few questions and provided us with some funny anecdotes stories and look into his hectic life in the bright lights of Show business Have a listen thanks Joe you are great https www joepasquale com https www whostomanddick com HeartTransplant EbsteinsAnomaly RareCondition HealthJourney LifeChangingDiagnosis MentalHealth Vulnerability SelfCompassion PostTraumaticGrowth MedicalMiracle BBCSports Inspiration Cardiology Surgery Podcast Healthcare HeartHealth MedicalBreakthrough EmotionalJourney SupportSystem HealthcareHeroes PatientStories CardiologyCare MedicalJourney LifeLessons MentalWellness HealthAwareness InspirationalTalk LivingWithIllness RareDiseaseAwareness SharingIsCaring MedicalSupport BBCReporter HeartDisease PodcastInterview HealthTalk Empowerment Wellbeing HealthPodcast ChronicIllness joepasqualeCheck out our new website at www whostomanddick comCheck out our new website at www whostomanddick comCheck out our new website at www whostomanddick com

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