Podcast Network Pricing

Monthly & Yearly Prices

Free Professional Level
Upgrade your podcast to Professional Level:
$17.99 Per Month (Paid Yearly)
or $19.99 Per Month
Join For Free Monthly Yearly
Daily Episode Update YES YES
Dedicated Podcast Page YES YES
Number of Categories 1 3
Other Podcasts Showing On Your Profile - YES
Ads May Display YES -
Free Portal Account to Manage Your Podcast YES YES
Social Media Links 0 3
Links to such as Apple, Spotify, Etc 0 3
Monetization opportunities - YES
Any monetization link - YES
Any subscriber link - YES
Ad-Free Profile Podcast Showing - YES
Highlighted any episode - YES
Your latest episode on our home page - YES
Free access to our podcast guest exchange - YES
Your podcast episodes on partner websites - YES
Advanced analytics - YES
Placement on our podcast directory Lowest Highest

Podcast Network Subscription FAQs

  • The professional level offers features that are not available on the free level. Some of the most popular features are advanced analytics, highlighted episodes, and higher placement on our podcast directory meaning more exposure for you and your podcast.

  • Analytics are not available on the free level. Only the Professional-level podcasts can see analytics. We show a lot of great metrics including your top episodes, your download rate, your top listener cities, and more.

  • Yes, we only show ads on the Free podcast profile.

  • Yes, but only for podcasts on the Professional level.