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Read the article and leave your comments below: For most podcasters, it is important more than ever to show the world our compassion why spreading our joy for our chosen subject matter. What is good about the COVID-19 pandemic? Well, not much since it has caused negative changes in the way we deal with life including our health, finances, and overall business operation. However, the Coronavirus pandemic has brought some good changes to the world as well, as strange as that may sound. People can work at home now more than ever which is something that the world, including the American public has longed for in such a long time. For those people who have not lost their jobs yet, they save money on the wear and tear of their automobiles, commuting expenses, and the high price of eating out in the big city.

The World Is Looking For Answers on COVID-19 and Podcasting Is The Answer

The world is scared and looking for answers. Social media has become the new norm where people get their news. Podcasters are also professionals and personalities who can spread the message of joy. With that, we have news and opinions about how to properly social distance and survive without being bored in our own homes. Whatever your subject matter, there is always an opportunity to spread hope about the coronavirus and COVID-19 pandemic.

Sports Podcasts on the World Podcast Network

If you have a sports podcast, we know that most sporting events are closed down because of easy transmission to spread the virus in a stadium or bleachers section. You can still report news about different professional sports as well as sportspeople can play at home in their own back yard while social distancing. Major League Baseball in the United States at the moment of this blog writing may open back up in July 2020. In the NBA, the National Basketball League, some professional basketball players have contracted the disease. Do you have hope to offer in your podcasts to basketball fans?

Food Podcasts on the World Podcast Network

If you publish a food-related podcast, there is an amazing wealth of opportunity to blog about food issues including restaurant closings (and re-openings), social distancing in a restaurant, takeout services, and delivery services including Grubhub, Uber Eats and Doordash. While people are not visiting restaurants, maybe this is the time to learn how to cook. Podcasters who are good cooks can teach people how to cook at home or offer recipes to those who already do.

Health Podcasts on the World Podcast Network

Health podcasts (and there are a lot on the Long Island and World Podcast Networks)? Well, the pandemic is all about health. Do you have opinions on social distancing, the Coronavirus pandemic in general, pending vaccines or the race for a vaccine, or kudos to the front line workers who work hard and risk their lives for us including the doctors, nurses, firefighters, and those manufacturers who offer ventilators and other medical equipment? How about the politicians and how well they are doing? We all know that politics is a sore dangerous subject for most people, but we tell each other on social media anyway, so why now in your podcast to your subscribers?

How About Business Podcasts

And we talk about business. For those of you who have business podcasts, have you podcasted about how the pandemic has effected small and large businesses? Are entrepreneurs suffering? How about how big online retailers like Amazon, Walmart, and others are crushing the mom and pop shops. Some other retailers like Bed Bath and Beyond have closed. Macy’s has new shopping guidelines for in-store customers. Is COVID-19 a message for small businesses to push their sales online? How about business owners and the crisis they are facing with no choice but to allow their employees to work at home. Are business operations, business profits, and employee morale any better, worse, or no different? Finally, how about the billions of US dollars sent out in stimulus checks? Is this a good idea for businesses who have not been negatively affected during the pandemic? On June 1, the Long Island Podcast Network and the World Podcast Networks a featured a section just for podcasts that have episodes about the Coronavirus pandemic and ones that offer tips on protecting ourselves and our way of life during these rough times. Get your podcast episodes offering this needed advice.