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Know, first, who you are, and then adorn yourself accordingly. Life is filled with the unknown - despair and happiness excitement and death- none of us will be spared. It is in embracing life that you will thrive, rise find peace and move forward healthfully. I've been blessed with many gifts and many life altering challenges. I want to share with you stories- laughter - advice and authenticity as you navigate how you will Embrace your own life.
Everyday Magic for Ukraine is a meditation podcast that supports you as you support Ukraine. Debuting on Apple Podcasts at #37 (US) & #11 (Australia), the show invites you to get centered, stay centered, and send courage and resilience to the Ukrainian people.
You know that sinking feeling when you wake up with a hangover and think: I'm never doing this again? We've all been there. But what happens when you follow through? Sonia Kahlon and Kathleen Killen can tell you, because they did it! They went from sisters-in-law, to Sisters in Sobriety. In this podcast, Sonia and Kathleen invite you into their world, as they navigate the ups and downs of sobriety, explore stories of personal growth and share their journey of wellness and recovery. Get ready for some real, honest conversations about sobriety, addiction, and everything in between. Episodes will cover topics such as: reaching emotional sobriety, how to make the decision to get sober, adopting a more mindful lifestyle, socializing without alcohol, and much more. Whether you're sober-curious, seeking inspiration and self-care through sobriety, or embracing the alcohol-free lifestyle already Tune in for a weekly dose of vulnerability, mutual support and much needed comic relief. Together, let's celebrate the transformative power of sisterhood in substance recovery!
Practical teaching tips and advice for teachers. Richard is a high school science teacher and the author of an award-winning book - The Quick Guide to Classroom Management: 45 Secrets That All High School Teachers Need to Know.
Cancer, Heart Disease, Mental Health, and Health in general, with the medicine of laughter along the wayCancer and Heart Disease are far too common these days in both Men and Women and with these illnesses, Mental Health can play a major part in a patient's recovery.Nothing prepares us for that dreaded diagnosis of Cancer, a sudden Heart Attack, or Cardiac arrest without warning.Filling in the blanks.Martin & Patrick discuss our personal experiences, the treatment, the support, family, and friends, not to mention our mental health, what resources are available, both medical and financial, and what outside support one can tap into.Discussions around everyday life, news, sports, hobbies arts and crafts may also feature as we discuss distractions from the challenges faced every day.From time to time guests are invited to discuss matters relating to their experience, and illness including healthcare professionals who can inject some alternative insight into a complex subject.Remember, our Podcasts are light-hearted, funny, interesting, and informative and should prove interesting and hopefully addictive as we grow our listeners and contributors worldwide.Gimme gimme, gimme just a little smile that's all we ask of you.
Hello, I'm Eric Lee. My curiosity about life and what makes people do the things they do, led me to start a podcast. I also love to talk so I invite you to come hear me give my opinion on various topics. I realize that everyone may not share the same views as I have and some people may see things differently but I'm OK with that and hope you are too!