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The Top Gun Show audience looks forward to each episode every Monday and Wednesday morning. Each episode is approximately 5 to 7 minutes and is designed to give decision makers relevant technology and business content from the industry's Top Guns.
Join this father-daughter duo and learn everything you need to start your own short term rental empire.
Welcome to The Bla Bla Bunker, a podcast featuring interviews with regular people who have extraordinary stories to tell.The host, Almar Hilmarsson, is one of them. In 25 years he's gone from Icelandic lawyer and airline CEO to tattooed, bearded meat enthusiast with a startup in Central Europe. On the way, he's made plenty of stops, and cultivated a habit of running into interesting people and asking them interesting questions.Nothing is off limits in the Bla Bla Bunker, and Almar may ask questions that most people wouldn't dare to ask.
Into the Fix is Dr. Ward's new podcast. The goal of this podcast is to take the lessons and insights that Dr. Ward routinely conveys to clients in therapy and present them in brief way that listeners can then use to reflect and make changes in their life, Into the Fix cuts through the noise and provides insight you can use in 15 minutes or less.
Dr Dad is a platform made by Paediatricians and other health experts to help all those parents and caregivers that need the advice right from the experts. Visitwww.drdad.infor online consultations, Products and Parenting Information.
The official Podcast of your host Casual Ninja. Join me as we discuss topics and have some of the best moments from the episodes. !!Warning Extremely Entertaining!!
Are you a real estate agent often worried that you will not have consistent closings? Maybe you have had your best month ever in real estate sales, and you are not sure if you can do it again because you feel it was just luck. The biggest problem you might have as a real estate agent is inconsistent income that can cause you to feel physical anxiety. You might worry about earning your next paycheck, and how will you pay your rent or mortgage, car bill, or feed your kids? You could be concerned about where the industry will go in the future. Tune into the Consistent and Predictable Income Community Podcast to learn how to: Systematically find and convert buyers and sellers best. Achieve regular closings and paydays. Have a plan and receive settlements every month of the year. When you listen to the interviews of top entrepreneurs, coaches, and leaders on this channel and implement the simple strategies described, you will learn how to have consistent closings that will allow you the energy and vitality to focus on doing the things you love to do.
Learn how to Invest With Purpose! We will show you how to take control of your financial future by escaping the volatility of Wall Street and exploring other alternatives. Steven and his team at Integrity Holdings Group left the rat race 10 years ago, wholesaling and flipping houses to build their investment firm to a multimillion-dollar organization.[p] However, they found it wasn't creating freedom, Just a highly paid and highly taxed JOB. Now they buy commercial real estate, where they help to create generational wealth for their investors in the most tax-advantaged investments available.
Cary Jack is a lifestyle entrepreneur, professional actor/model, biohacker, and eco-warrior striving to make a positive impact on this planet. The goal of The Happy Hustle Podcast is to educate, inspire, and entertain you, while reminding you to enjoy the journey, not just the destination, as you Happy Hustle for a life of passion and purpose. From successful entrepreneurs to spiritual masters, Cary Jack brings on an array of powerful guests to help you transform your dreams into a reality.
On The Flip Empire Show, Alex Pardo brings you strategies, interviews, and insights for smart real estate investors to help grow and scale your real estate investing business. The Flip Empire Show was created for YOU, the smart real estate investor and entrepreneur. If you're looking for ACTIONABLE and SIMPLIFIED advice, Alex Pardo has you covered with his Master Class Expert Interviews, as well as the Q and A shows. Learn from real estate's heavy hitters, as Alex Pardo puts them on the hot seat to reveal their best strategies for running a profitable, scalable, and automated real estate business. Get a fresh perspective from a Real Estate Investor, Entrepreneur, and Coach that has flipped well over 500 homes. We're dedicated to adding value to you and your business, and bringing you the best content to help you make more money, build your empire, and experience freedom through real estate investing. For more strategies, and recommended resources, check us out at www.FlipEmpire.com.You can also listen on SoundCloud athttps://soundcloud.com/flipempire
Big Fat Real Estate Checks is a podcast about investing in U.S based multifamily real estate. If you want to replace your J.O.B income with passive income for life, then Marco Kozlowski's proprietary systems and processes can help you get there. Marco has been in real estate for 20+ years, and has learned lessons, horror stories, and an entertaining and fun way of teaching you how to win the game of real estate. He has hundreds of videos from successful students who used his systems and processes to replace their income and retire.
Corey Peterson is a rags to riches real estate entrepreneur and self made millionaire. He's a best selling author and has been featured on Fox, CBS, ABC, NBC affiliates. Multifamily apartments is his passion and specifically how to put deals together that operate effectively and cash-flow. If your tired of the hustle and grind from fix and flipping, let Corey, pull back the curtain and show you power of multifamily apartments and cash-flow.
The Community Safety Podcast has been created by Jim Nixon from Birmingham in the United Kingdom. Community Safety is the use of skills, knowledge and techniques, to prevent and reduce crime, disorder and fear of crime and develop safer communities in which to live, work and visit. Community Safety affects us all in society, it's all our responsibility to improve communities. Some of the main issues affecting communities in today's society is violence, knife crime, mental health, alcohol abuse, drugs, child exploitation, anti-social behaviour and many many more.
Justin Fontenelle is a well-rounded investor that has flipped over 500 properties in his career. He will be discussing all types of investments in business and real estate.
The Creepy Wee Podcast is Scottish history show that focuses on the dark stories, myths and lore surrounding this ancient land. Hosted by Liam Neilson and Rebecca McAllister.