Power Half Hour, Unstoppable Business Owner Ep# 113 Josiah Pledl

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Josiah Pledl founder of 45 Degrees Leadership Development Consulting brings two decades of visionary leadership success With executive expertise and a focus on actionable lessons Josiah seamlessly connects head to heart enhancing leadership in today 39 s complex landscape Josiah began leading in the complex world of public education as a principal There is a wide variety of stakeholders in education and he increased engagement everywhere He led the largest increase in parent engagement and the second-largest increase in employee engagement across 18 sites He improved attendance for the first time in four years at a large diverse high school It was the most significant increase the school had seen in over eight years In year two it was the first time there were back-to-back years of positive increases and in year two the increase was larger than the record-setting year before At the core of all this there is one reason for the success Josiah 39 s ability to connect His ability to communicate in a way that inspires and engages all His success is in his ability to leverage emotion to drive results In this challenging era he equips your audience with the ultimate solution The power of human connection To connect with Josiah go to josiahpledl 45degreesleadership com Click here to visit this podcast episode

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