the vibe youre in podcast On the New York City Podcast Network

S4 EP82: The Charismatic Ones Win

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We all know some animated people They are energetic exuberant optimistic and seem to light up a room with just their presence They seem to be enjoying life to the fullest What is it about them Were they born this way Their secret is charisma The ability to attract and hold attention A trait that can be learned by anyone whether extrovert or introvert and can be applied to build and maintain a social following Join Mike and Will and their intriguing special guest Attorney Len Foy the most interesting lawyer in the world who shares his engaging stories of his personal inspiration the love of travel the power of being charismatic and his adventure with a nameless rhesus beach monkey Hosted by Michael Santana and Will MolinaA Soulful Elevation of MindConversations that encourage the discipline off purposeful thinking for a better life Click here to visit this podcast episode

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