Audio Branding Jodi Krangle On the New York City Podcast Network

The Psychology Of Sound In Marketing: A Conversation With Howard Lim – Part 2

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So what we found out about the Flying Dutchman for example they ve been in business for forty years and they simply didn t know how to grow But one thing I d found out when I went to the original Flying Dutchman store is that people like to gather there but they didn t have anywhere inside the store to gather and sit down Everyone sat down on the sidewalk and hung out outside So that s what gave us the idea why don t we have it we could build the community inside and everyone did feel like family and it was a place that everyone could actually say hi to one another right So it was taking what was existing but magnifying it as an actual location for people to gather Howard Lim nbsp This episode is the second half of my conversation with innovator author and award-winning brand architect Howard Lim as we discuss the challenges of audio-based SEO how insurance companies have paved the way for audio branding and figuring out your brand s favorite music nbsp As always if you have questions for my guest you re welcome to reach out through the links in the show notes If you have questions for me visit audiobrandingpodcast com where you ll find a lot of ways to get in touch Plus subscribing to the newsletter will let you know when the new podcasts are available and what the newest audio chats will be about If you re getting some value from listening the best ways to show your support are to share this podcast with a friend and leave an honest review Both those things really help and I d love to feature your review on future podcasts nbsp 0 00 00 – Exploring Audio Branding and SEO TrendsThe second half of our conversation starts with a closer look at Howard s book Authentic Branding and how web design has evolved since the days of Adobe Flash It made a big difference as far as the overall experience he says about those early more audio-focused sites Now websites they re so flat as far as introducing it to your senses because now you re just using your visual sense We talk about the ongoing challenge of tying SEO and audio together and we discuss Howard s approach to helping companies find the right sound for their brand One of the questions I ask he explains when I m in a strategy session is what if the brand listened to music What music would listen to and why 0 09 55 – The Power of Sound in BrandingHoward tells us more about his work with such companies as WSS and Flying Dutchman and shares some of the success stories in building their brands It expanded them he recalls his work with Flying Dutchman I think it was three years to five franchises where before they couldn t grow for forty years So it was really capturing a brand essence He shares his approach to building a sense of place as well as product when it comes to branding and how sound helps shape our environment When they turn on that background music he says it just shifts the energy it shifts the environment that you feel like you re experiencing into something that has a lot more richness to it 0 20 17 – Creating Stronger Brands with SoundOur discussion comes to a close as we talk about how listeners can get in touch with Howard and an online brand assessment that he s offering included in the links below He also tells us more about what first inspired him to write about branding The reason why I was writing a book he explains is because nobody wanted to explain how to create a brand They would write about it but they wouldn t give you examples of how to create a brand And so that s when I said oh my goodness this is a perfect Click here to visit this podcast episode

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