The Tough Path To Success: Leadership And Entrepreneurship Lessons With Patrik Berglund, CEO Of Xenata.

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In this episode featuring guest Patrik Berglund CEO and cofounder of Xenata we delve into the true essence of successful entrepreneurship and leadership Highlighting the importance of empathy emotional intelligence and a genuine care for team members Patrik shares insights on how leadership extends beyond mere skills and knowledge It involves actively listening to and understanding the individual challenges within a team Patrik emphasizes the critical role of motivation and inspiration in unlocking team potential and discusses the importance of assessing one apos s passion for the leadership role Emotional intelligence is spotlighted as a key element for building trust and collaboration alongside the necessity of balancing a clear vision with the flexibility to adapt to changes The conversation also covers the inherent challenges of entrepreneurship including the need for grit resilience and the importance of seeking support and fostering collaboration Patrik Berglund apos s perspectives provide a comprehensive view on leadership as a journey of caring motivating and inspiring others underscored by a commitment to personal and collective growth Patrik BerglundLinkedIn https www linkedin com in patrikolstad Website https www xeneta com Tagsepisode qualities of a successful leader caring for people motivating inspiring balancing vision flexibility emotional intelligence resilience collaboration effective leadershipSupport the showSign up for the weekly IT apos S AN INSIDE JOB NEWSLETTER takes 5 seconds to fill out receive a fresh update every Wednesday

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