To Increase Sales, Don’t Decode Ask

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Click the link Below to learn about the quot Closing With Confidence quot Mini-course https optimal-selling mykajabi com closing-with-confidence Today 39 s tip is don 39 t decode ask Sometimes people are decoding what their body language is or decoding what they actually meant And I don 39 t believe in decoding or reading between lines or I call it reading tea leaves But if you 39 re not sure just ask If you think you picked up a book a clue based on their body language or something then ask So if you if you say something and they react in a certain way say you could say something like it sounds like you 39 re not a fan of that Or you reacted you look like you like that What is it you liked about it So today 39 s tip is don 39 t decode anything Don 39 t rely on your decoding ability Just ask a question Click here to visit this podcast episode

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