The Great Detectives of Old Time Radi‪o‬ On the New York City Podcast Network

Yours Truly Johnny Dollar: The Poor Little RIch Girl Matter (EP4549)

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Today s Mystery Johnny goes to Los Angeles to investigate a wealthy woman s suspicious application for 200 000 in life insurance on her husband that she wants to keep secret from him Original Radio Broadcast Date September 1 1957Originating from HollywoodStarring Bob Bailey as Johnny Dollar Virginia Gregg Herb Ellis Frank Nelson Marvin Miller Peter LeedsWhen making your travel plans remember http johnnydollarair comBecome one of our Patreon Supporters at https patreon greatdetectives netThank you to our Patreon Supporter of the Day Louis Patreon Supporter since March 2018Take the listener survey at http survey greatdetectives netGive us a call at 208-991-4783Follow us on Twitter radiodetectivesJoin us again tomorrow for another detective drama from the Golden Age of Radio Click here to visit this podcast episode
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