Bliss of the Abyss By Robert Neumark Jones On the New York City Podcast Network

124 (Patrick Sandford) Groomed

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Patrick Sandford is a playwright survivor and award-winning theatre maker His film Groomed a first-person documentary about sexual abuse is available to stream via Soho Theatre On Demand https sohotheatre com digitalevent groomed Links the myth of the vampire – https pubmed ncbi nlm nih gov 26615777 The brave movement – https www bravemovement org heat intiaitve – https protectchildrennotabuse org Lucy faithfull https www lucyfaithfull org uk Stop SO https stopso org uk Elizabeth Letourneau https tedmed com talks show id 620399 mankind charity https mkcharity org the survivors trust https thesurvivorstrust org 1 in 6 https www 1in6 uk Survivors UK https www survivorsuk org Click here to visit this podcast episode

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