Long Shot Leaders with Michael Stein On the New York City Podcast Network

His Humble Beginnings Without Capital To Amassing Over A Hundred Million Dollars In Revenue And A Story Of Testament To Resilience And Determination, Michael Stein.

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Michael Stein is born prematurely with immunity issues and diagnosed with dyslexia and a stutter he grew up in a broken home feeling socially awkward and impulsive Despite these obstacles he found inspiration in the movie Rocky and began exercising daily to improve his health Stein became a physical fitness trainer at 16 and founded a social club in high school He initially aimed to be an entrepreneur and actor but faced setbacks including a failed tool company venture Despite not attending college he pursued interests in psychology business and acting At 19 Stein ventured into stand-up comedy and later became a prominent nightclub promoter He landed acting roles including the lead in a short film later adapted into Boogie Nights He organized major promotional events delved into personal growth studies and produced documentaries on nightclub and rave culture Transitioning to filmmaking Stein wrote directed and produced acclaimed works like Rituals and Resolutions which garnered festival awards and HBO distribution Facing financial struggles he started a tarp-selling business Abadak Inc which became highly successful In his mid-30s Stein wrote directed and starred in Love Hollywood Style featuring renowned actors Alongside his business success he initiated Tarp-Aid donating tarps to the homeless Today Stein continues to diversify his ventures including stand-up comedy acting filmmaking and podcasting His journey from adversity to success serves as inspiration for those facing similar challenges embodying the spirit of resilience and determination Click here to visit this podcast episode

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