Education For Entrepreneurs – Kevin A. Dunlap

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Are you investing in your business education for long-term success In this episode of The Business Ownership Podcast I interviewed Kevin Dunlap Kevin A Dunlap is the founder and lead trainer for Optimal Performance Academy This is an education-based company aimed at pre-startups startups and entrepreneurs who have been in business for a few years He focuses on people who have their own way of doing things and want to get their expertise out to the world This may be realtors trainers coaches and other type of industry experts One of the first areas that he teaches is called having a Spiral Revenue Model In this model you will look at your programs and understand how each program or service that you provide can lead to other services or programs that you have available Do you know what s missing from your business toolkit Get essential education to unlock your business potential Check this out Show Links Optimal Performance Academy Website https optimalperformanceacademy org about Kevin A Dunlap on LinekdIn https www linkedin com in kevinadunlap Book a call with Michelle https go appointmentcore com book IcFD4cGJoin our Facebook group for business owners to get help or help other business owners The Business Ownership Group – Secrets to Scaling https www facebook com groups businessownershipsecretstoscalingLooking to scale your business Get free gifts here to help you on your way https www awarenessstrategies com Click here to visit this podcast episode
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