Peace Love and Bring a Bat On the New York City Podcast Network

Peace Love And 100 Acts Of Love – Kim Hammer

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In this emotionally charged episode we delve into the deeply personal journey of Kim Hammer who found herself thrust into the role of caregiver when her husband was diagnosed with stage four cancer Kim candidly shares the challenges they faced as a family the emotional rollercoaster of hope and despair and the profound impact of small acts of kindness from friends family and even strangers Kim s experience led her to embark on a mission of 100 Acts of Love inspired by the kindness and support they received during their darkest days She discusses the transformative power of these acts not just for the recipients but also for the givers highlighting the ripple effect of compassion and empathy Beyond her personal story Kim offers valuable insights into how employers can better support employees facing crises She emphasizes the importance of specific practical offers of help rather than generic offers which can sometimes miss the mark Kim also sheds light on the challenges faced by middle managers in supporting their team members going through tough times highlighting the need for empathy flexibility and understanding Kim s journey is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the profound impact of love and support in times of crisis Her story is a beacon of hope for anyone facing adversity reminding us all of the power of community compassion and the human capacity for kindness Join us for this heartfelt conversation as we explore the depths of grief the heights of resilience and the enduring power of love To find more information about Kim check out her website https www 100actsoflove com Click here to visit this podcast episode

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