At the podcast network, we love helping podcasters produce market their podcasts including getting better search engine rankings. Also, some podcasters are now writing books that include the transcription to all of their podcast episodes. Our transcription services are perfect for that.

Podcasters also come to us for strategies on getting better search engine rankings. That happens by adding your podcast audio as text, so Google can index it.

It is true that people can type out their podcast audio for better search engine rankings, but that is tedious. Our transcription services can take entire podcast audio and turn it into plain text.

Why would you need your podcast audio transcribed? Lots of reasons:

  • For show notes on Anchor, Buzzsprout, Libsyn and more. Google also indexes show notes to come up on Google searches. They may be something in your podcast audio that can come up when people search on Google.
  • To enter your audio text into blogs in order for Google spiders to index your podcast audio. This gets you more audience members.
  • To create a book for your podcast episodes. Yes, we have had 7 podcasters request this already.

The price is 12 cents per minute per audio, 15 cents per minute for audio in video podcasts.

For example, if your podcast audio is 20 minutes, your cost for the transcription is only $2.40.


What languages do you work with for transcription?

At this time, we only work with English-spoken podcasts.

Do you correct grammar issues?

We transcribe exactly as received. We do offer an additional option of service correcting the grammar for a flat fee of $10.00.

Can you transcribe video podcasts too?

Yes, please see the prices above for audio and video podcasts.

Step 1: Fill out your contact information

First Name

Last Name

Valid Email Address Where We Can Reach You

Podcast Name

Number of Minutes You Need Transacribed

Type of Podcast

Do you want us to correct any grammar errors? Optional $10.00 Additional