Thank God For Everything (TGIF) – The Reason Why We Thank God For Everything

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In this episode I wanted to take a moment to reflect on the importance of gratitude and faith Life moves fast and sometimes we forget to Thank God for the simple things like waking up in the morning breathing or just having another day to live I ve realized that we often focus on Thanking God only for the big wins but we ve got to appreciate the small blessings too From Monday to Sunday from the big victories to the tiny joys God deserves our thanks for every single moment That s what I wanted to focus on today Thanking God For Everything As I look back on this podcast journey I m filled with gratitude It s been over ten years since I ve started podcasting and I honestly never thought we d come this far It all started with my cousin Mr Moody encouraging me to get into podcasting and here we are still going strong I Thank God for everyone who has tuned in and supported this community You all are a part of this journey and I feel so blessed to have a platform where we can connect share stories and uplift one another Without you none of this would be possible I also touched on the importance of divine timing We may want things to happen our way and on our schedule but God s timing is always perfect I ve learned that even when things don t go as planned there s a reason for it Sometimes what we want just isn t for us or maybe it s not meant for us at that moment But through patience and faith we can trust that what s meant for us will come in God s time It s not always easy but learning to trust in His plan brings a sense of peace Finally I talked about the power of faith in everyday life Whether you re feeling lonely struggling or facing uncertainty remember that God is always with you He s got your back I truly believe that when we stay connected to our faith we find strength in the toughest times And part of that faith is not just keeping blessings for ourselves but sharing them with others When we give back and bless others we open ourselves up to even more blessings That s how God works and it s something I try to live by every day Remember no matter what life throws your way always remember to count your blessings and be thankful And hey if you enjoyed today s show don t forget to share it with your friends and family You can find more about Cousin Ed s Corner Podcast on our website at cousinedscorner com and follow us on Twitter Instagram Facebook and TikTok cousinedscorner Got questions or just want to say hi Shoot us an email at info cousinedscorner com or leave us a voicemail at 762-333-2032 No Matter How You Cut It Or Slice It We Are All In This Together Click here to visit this podcast episode

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