10 Reasons Get Out Is Real Life

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by Germar Derron img border 0 height 400 src https 1 bp blogspot com -wlb-C-Tza5U WLOmw8bIfcI AAAAAAAADeE SBwhqDuFek8234Huj1EqVVQgmLHPZa00QCK4B s400 get-out-2017-2 jpg width 252 img border 0 height 150 src https 1 bp blogspot com -leYBpw z9SI WLOhJ4CEtWI AAAAAAAADdU AOgiPw85t7Q rP55h9vF3FqV2TcXHMMuwCK4B s200 giphy gif width 200 1 We really are nervous around you nbsp Hell is awkwardly navigating an infinite soiree where you re the only black attendee You re alone You feel guilty even when you ve done nothing wrong Actually it s more like everyone s suspicious of you but you don t know why What s the crime I don t know but I m definitely the culprit 2 You talk to us in stereotypes I bet your grandmother has a great recipe for fried chicken Your legs look strong Did you run track Well you re dating my daughter now a big black guy like you–I hope you take it easy Invite your homies I m down with it dog 3 Cops do hate us nbsp The realest scene of the movie plays out like it often does irl First a cop shows up Then that cop makes demands of the black person who happens to be present Next that black person complies They ve seen this movie and know it well including the alternate endings Finally the privileged white friend much to the chagrin of their darkie bud in an irritating irritated and elevated voice throws out terms inapplicable to us like rights lawyer and done nothing wrong 4 Nobody believes us nbsp We know when weird racist shit is going down And before we can begin to present our case y all dismiss lawl smirk shrug and present more rational explanations Then cops kill a record number of unarmed black people Lastly some white lady HuffPost contributor writes a piece that says may be some weird racist shit going down nbsp 5 We adapt to fit into your idea of proper or normal nbsp Wypipo can only digest dark meat that s well done and super bland They love Ivy League education bow ties enunciation three-piece suits on a hot afternoon and other ridiculous standards Hopefully one day they ll learn that a dope ass vernacular bright clothing and Louisiana Hot Sauce have no relation to crime intelligence or a warm heart img border 0 src https 1 bp blogspot com -4eJ3Gvvr708 WLOjbJFb3QI AAAAAAAADdg j1V9xGxR9P8Qgtk7IujKMVmE2OTLy86pwCK4B s1600 giphy 2B 25281 2529 gif 6 You want our friends and they want you nbsp Am I your first black boyfriend Is it a fetish Are you thirsty for more My niggas usually hate my girl but they LOVE hanging out with you Whycome img border 0 height 224 src https 3 bp blogspot com -FHcGZYSVG4g WLOkxqR7 fI AAAAAAAADds 4CFec8 XR9o950BlmCR1iNvXOVk6M0I1ACK4B s400 giphy 2B 25282 2529 gif width 400 7 When we go white we get what we deserve Cops mothers fathers best friends Once you go white you re on your own They don t care about your heartbreak allegations or complications That s what you get when you let your heart win Before you dial 911 make sure y alls skins match 8 We wonder if you ever really have our black backs At some point racist uncle Jimmy will show his racist ass Will you fight on my behalf or nah Spoiler Alert Is the white girlfriend in on it or just really fucking stupid Of COURSE she s in on it And now I quote one of my favorites from a white gf about her racist ass family they re still my family 9 We know it s not your fault SPOILER ALERT In the film those white devils were also victims That hatred that superiority complex isn t present at birth it s programmed into you And if it s programmed there s a programmer Fuck that guy img border 0 height 179 src https 1 bp blogspot com -wyzUMprEwhM WLOlu9wcRrI AAAAAAAADd4 ggOfWi5tJDYsnqkh9ACZYsMckXJOgsSJwCK4B s320 giphy 2B 25283 2529 gif width 320 10 In the end we all we got Another spoiler At the end of the day the black man was saved by his best black friend The one person that warned–listened trusted cared–and fought was the guy from his hood with a similar skin condition And even after all these years every black woman I ve ever dated checks up on me Every homeboy became my dawg brother homie pahtnah and bruh Them others ummmmmm crickets img src http feeds feedburner com ff LookToTheCookie d yIl2AUoC8zA border 0 img img src http feeds feedburner com ff LookToTheCookie i EEDC29snYdU JCcwjJWE69Q F7zBnMyn0Lo border 0 img img src http feeds feedburner com ff LookToTheCookie d 7Q72WNTAKBA border 0 img img src http feeds feedburner com ff LookToTheCookie i EEDC29snYdU JCcwjJWE69Q V sGLiPBpWU border 0 img img src http feeds feedburner com ff LookToTheCookie i EEDC29snYdU JCcwjJWE69Q gIN9vFwOqvQ border 0 img img src http feeds feedburner com ff LookToTheCookie d l6gmwiTKsz0 border 0 img img src http feeds feedburner com ff LookToTheCookie d qj6IDK7rITs border 0 img img src http feeds feedburner com ff LookToTheCookie d TzevzKxY174 border 0 img img src http feeds feedburner com ff LookToTheCookie d 63t7Ie-LG7Y border 0 img img src http feeds feedburner com r LookToTheCookie 4 EEDC29snYdU height 1 width 1 alt Click here to visit this podcast 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