Primal King Podcast By Derek Wilson on the New York City Podcast Network

You Never Know What Someone Is Going Through…

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Sometimes it s really easy to take things personal Maybe it s that guy that cut you off in traffic Maybe it s that rude cashier or even that fight with a friend that you never saw coming Maybe it s even someone taking their life that you would have never expected The reality is we don t ever truly know what someone may be going through but our reactions usually don t take those thoughts into mind Yes people should always have a certain amount of kindness and decency but it s also very easy for us to be so self-focused that no matter what the reason may be we take it personal and it may be destroying us for no reason In today s episode Derek goes into the topic of how sometimes the best thing that we can do is chalk up some of our negative reactions to what may be going on in someone else s life and it may not be out you at all and that requires us to have a little bit of grace and understanding Click here to visit this podcast episode

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