Grace – #34

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Summary Most Christians feel like God gives grace to them mainly when they are in trouble In truth grace is always available to us but it doesn t always come in just to bail us out of negative circumstances The true purpose of grace is to help grow us into mature sons and daughters of God Show Notes Grace is there for you It s there in every situation in your life whether you are going through a bad situation or if you are going through some very good times Most Christians have the concept that grace is for our hard times to make things better What about the times He shows you grace by seemingly making your situation worse That s what Paul experienced when Jesus struck him with blindness on the road God used Paul s blindness to change him from being a law man into the greatest proponent of grace in all the Bible To makes things worse God gave Paul a thorn in the flesh to buffet him and help him not to get proud because of all that God had shown him Believe it or not that s real grace If you are being taught a mixture of law and grace you aren t being taught grace at all Law and grace are like oil and water They don t mix If God had fixed Paul s problem right away we might never have had the depth of message on grace that we now have or the relationship with God that is available to us Quotes For those who have never actually experienced grace personally it s an easy word to define But for those of us who have received a lot of it we re still looking for the words that can adequately explain it to someone else Which is the greatest manifestation of grace The guy who prays and gets healed immediately or the guy who is like Paul who prayed three times and went through maybe for the rest of his life and never got healed or fixed from his problem but endured and experienced a deeper level of relationship with the Father which showed him another side of God References 2 Corinthians 12 1-10 Takeaways Grace in spite of what most Christians feel that it is can be the most transformative thing that God could ever do with you It can become a profound treasure of a deep relationship with the Father brought on only by Him taking us through things that take out the impurities in our nature so that He can use us as we have been destined to be used by Him When Grace has produced it s fruit the power favor and presence of God will be able to come through in its fullness Let s all open up to the Grace of God as Paul did Click here to visit this podcast episode

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