the podcast by kevinmd On the New York City Podcast Network

Why Parents Today Are More Stressed Than Ever—and How We Can Help

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We sit down with Marissa Caudill a psychiatrist specializing in child adolescent and adult mental health to explore the findings from the U S Surgeon General s advisory Parents Under Pressure We discuss the skyrocketing levels of stress among parents the balancing act of caregiving financial struggles and the mental health toll on both parents and children Marissa shares her insights on how physicians can support parents foster gratitude and advocate for systemic changes that benefit caregivers Marissa Caudill is a psychiatrist specializing in child adolescent and adult mental health dedicated to empowering parents to navigate the teen mental health crisis As CEO and founder of The Parent Doctor she offers education guidance and inspiration to parents worldwide with a focus on supporting those most in need Follow her on Facebook and Instagram listen to The Parent Doctor podcast or join her free monthly book club for practical insights She discusses the KevinMD article Parents in crisis How physicians can help img class alignnone size-medium wp-image-465575 src https www kevinmd com wp-content uploads Microsoft-logo rgb c-gray-300×134 png alt width 300 height 134 Our presenting sponsor is DAX Copilot by Microsoft DAX Copilot by Microsoft is your AI assistant for automated clinical documentation and workflows DAX Copilot allows physicians to do more with less and turn their words into a powerful productivity tool DAX Copilot automates clinical documentation making it available in the EHR within minutes and clinical workflows including referral letters after-visit summaries style and formatting customizations and more 70 percent of physicians who use DAX Copilot say it improves their work-life balance while reducing feelings of burnout and fatigue Patients love it too 93 percent of patients say their physician is more personable and conversational and 75 percent of physicians say it improves patient experiences Discover AI-powered solutions for clinical documentation and workflows Click here to see a 12-minute DAX Copilot demo VISIT SPONSOR https aka ms kevinmd SUBSCRIBE TO THE PODCAST https www kevinmd com podcast RECOMMENDED BY KEVINMD https www kevinmd com recommended GET CME FOR THIS EPISODE https www kevinmd com cme I m partnering with Learner to offer clinicians access to an AI-powered reflective portfolio that rewards CME CE credits from meaningful reflections Find out more https www kevinmd com learnerplusClick here to visit this podcast episode

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