Ep153: Decoding Retail Trends For Savvy Real Estate Investments

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What are the latest trends in retail within commercial real estate Dr Michael McManus revisits the movement of retailers into shopping centers the decline of outlet malls and the impact of inflation and interest rates on consumer behavior Get insights into successful retail brands the influence of fast food inflation and the evolving strategies of major players like Macy s and Target What you ll learn from this episode Why retailers are moving into shopping centers The truth about retail sales current trends and status Impact of inflation on different socioeconomic groups Evolution of AI tools and their potential to create echo chambers Investment strategies in a high-interest environment Resources mentioned in this episode ChatGPT Connect with us If you re a busy professional who wants to know more about growing your wealth through real estate contact us at TheFortressCapital com Website Surgeon Syndicate LinkedIn Michael McManus Instagram michaelmcmanusp Facebook Michael McManus Click here to visit this podcast episode

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