AI Chatbots: The Future Of Website Sales Conversion

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www gtmaiacademy com www aipoweredgtm com https www hachlyai com AI Chatbots The Future of Website Sales Conversion Hey everyone I just had an incredible conversation with Eldar Agayev of Hachly and I ve got to tell you this guy s story and what they re doing with AI chatbots is pretty fascinating Eldar started coding chatbots at 16 over in Ukraine building stuff for Counter-Strike of all things He ended up moving to the UK got into computer science and while most people were trying to figure out what to do after graduation this guy had already built 15 different chatbots with over a million users on Telegram Now what really got me excited was how they re completely flipping the script on how we think about website chatbots Forget those annoying customer service bots we all hate – Hachly is all about driving actual sales They ve built this system that can be up and running in 15 minutes not kidding and actually understands what visitors are doing on your website to have real contextual conversations The business impact They just helped an enterprise dev agency land a 65K contract through their chatbot That s not just answering questions – that s generating real revenue And here s what s wild – Eldar sees a future where we re not even clicking around websites anymore we ll just be having conversations with them Imagine just telling a website what you re looking for instead of hunting through pages of content This is something I am seeing more of is augmentation to the buyers journey and this isn t about replacing salespeople It s about making them more effective by handling all that initial qualification and engagement Your sales team gets to focus on what they do best – closing deals with qualified prospects – while the AI handles all the early-stage stuff that eats up so much time We dove deep into some amazing tech stuff too like how they re thinking about multi-agent frameworks and the future of AI interfaces Eldar shared a case where they turned 6 000 website visitors into a 50-60K pipeline for one of their clients – all through their chatbot Whether you re a startup or an enterprise if you ve got a website and who doesn t there s a way to make this work for your business I ve got to tell you I haven t been this excited about a sales tech innovation in a while It s not just another tool – it s a completely different way of thinking about how we engage with website visitors and turn them into actual opportunities – Evolution from building Telegram chatbots to creating an AI-powered sales platform – Focus on sales conversations rather than customer service – 15-minute deployment time without complex setup needed – Use of context-aware AI to understand user intent and website behavior – Success case 65 000 enterprise contract secured through chatbot – Vision of future website interaction being primarily conversation-based – Multi-agent framework potential for future development – ROI example 6 000 website visitors generating 50-60 000 pipeline – Emphasis on complementing rather than replacing human sales teams Key Quotes We ultimately help businesses to generate more sales from their website by engaging every visitor with context-aware messaging We ultimately make the experience for visitors better Being a salesperson in the next 10 years will change I think we just give you more leads So there s more things to work with And we don t actually close deals but we drive more of these prospects from where they were just browsing the website I imagine in 10 or 15 years we re going to have websites where you have a button at the top right corner you just click on it and you can actually talk to the website instead of browsing You can actually talk and ask okay I want to find an article about X Overall the cost of software will go down dramatically because of AI I have AI on every front that helps me optimize my schedule and my time So yes I think AI for scheduling more leads and getting you more revenue will help any company of any size Click here to visit this podcast episode

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