Becoming In This New Day Of Spirit

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Summary True believers are on a path of experiencing and knowing God in this new day of Spirit Even though the carnal mind wars against God s work within them the believer must refuse those thoughts and put on the mind of Christ that comes from the impartation of His Word through the Holy Spirit We have entered into the age of the grace to become and to do Show Notes We are on a path of experiencing and knowing God We must put on the mind of Christ When we look at all the circumstances of our lives what we ve gone through God has created within us a miracle True faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God We are being transformed by the Word to be the body of Christ in the earth We are beginning to lay our lives down for each other The Word is becoming alive to us It s a new day with Him every day nbsp Quotes We are becoming the Word It s being imparted to our spirits Wake up house of God believe what the Lord has already brought you through and what He will continue to bring you through and what He s created in you to become Because our mind is not Spirit it s part of this soul flesh side of our life The mind is the enemy of God And that s not what you listen to despite all of that s going on or what I might be thinking in my mind You just hold on to that belief and that faith that s His faith in your spirit My carnal mind is being dealt with but my spirit is set on the Lord Click here to visit this podcast episode

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