Primal King Podcast By Derek Wilson on the New York City Podcast Network

Calley Means-How Our Food Has Been Weaponized

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Calley Means has gained a ton of traction over the past year and there s good reason He is someone that graduated from Stanford and Harvard business schools and then went on to be a pharmaceutical and food consultant Like so many of us he had an event take place that changed his entire trajectory seeing his mother get diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer and pass away 13 days later This led him to find his true life mission which turned out to be leading the way for alternative ways to become healthier which also led him into a fight with big food and big pharma Although many of us know that some of the so-called experts don t have our best in mind Calley has been on the inside and knows why this all works Is it some massive conspiracy Is it a coordinated attack on the American people Is it just simply greed This is a must-listen episode if you want to know the TRUTH behind how our food is now a weapon and what you can do about it to take back control and live as healthy as possible Click here to visit this podcast episode

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